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chuntard123 Banned US Pure

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Offender: chuntard123 Steam ID  BM ID

Server: US Pure
Time: 5/10/2024  12:42AM
Length: Permanent
Reason: Stealing and Harassment

More Info: Player was witnessed as looting all of the NPCs another player killed at a monument. The player who killed the NPCs was telling chuntard123 that they didn't shoot the NPCs so they were not supposed to be taking their loot. Chuntard123 ignored this and continued to take the loot from the NPCs while calling the player a noob and saying they should be faster if they don't want someone else taking their loot. At this time I issued a console warning informing the player that they are not allowed to loot items from NPCs/monuments that they did not participate in earning. After receiving this warning, chuntard123 tried saying they did not take anything even though it was witnessed by both another player and an admin. Chuntard123 also then began trying to blackmail the player who was taking the monument for the loot he had stolen. At this time I popped in to issue a verbal warning and chat with the player regarding the server rules. After this chuntard123 continued to follow the other player around the monument, harassing them and stealing from the NPCs the other player killed.

Because of the repeated disregard for server rules in such a short period of time, a ban has been issued.

As shown in the screenshot, chuntard123 joined the server for the first time at 12:14AM. Between then and when I noted the theft, chuntard123 is shown as not having killed any NPCs to earn the loot that was taken:


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