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Banned: Trebird

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Time: 7:17 PM PST

Length: Permanent

Reason: Looting/Stealing

More Info: Earlier today I was called to the scene of a player whose inventory had been entirely looted, there was only one name on the lootlog so I teleported to the thief. I left them a warning note, saying that stealing was against the rules and included that this involved sleeping players as well as containers. I retrieved the victim's things, helped secure them from future robbings with advice, and carried on.

Later, the thief logged in (at which point I went invisible and began watching the player) and I waited a moment for them to settle in and asked if they had read my note. No response. I waited a few more minutes and asked again, still no response. I waited a few more minutes, seeing them running about and such, and teleported to them to ask in person. They looked at me, then walked away. I tried this for a bit, and it strongly appeared that I was being ignored by the thief. I decided to give them the benefit of the doubt, maybe there was a language barrier. Maybe they were startled by the floating person despite my stating that I was an admin and that's why I appeared and was flying.

I followed them invisibly for the remainder of the day, cause I just had a feeling that they were going to steal again. It took maybe an hour, but I caught them stealing from another sleeping player. I attempted to confront them, and they stopped and looked at me before running around me. I decided this guy had had his chance to change his ways and removed him from the server.



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