the ambient light use to be able to light up a base. they now give off such a dim glow other than the charcoal they produce they are worthless. is this the new normal?
Good Day,
I was going to give this a try and am not able to connect. it says Could not Connect - server is full. it looks like it is set for 1 player.
Good Day,
I have been very disappointed in the loot you get from Helis or Brad. for the most part i have just stopped trying cause what you get is not great for what you put into it. this round has been particularly bad. just letting someone know. I still really enjoy playing on the server thank you for keeping it up.
I struggle to get to the box skins on the last page you must keep mashing the forward button to get to the last page. well you keep going backwards button then forward button over and over and then you get to the last page. Can you make a system that would put the most used skins at the front of the pages? Like when skins come up it would show the most used skin in the first page so we could see what everyone else is using.
This is what happens when the server is down time to add stuff to the discord or forums.
Love this place Thank you for building a spot for us.
Good Day,
I like to setup watering stations for people. Every day I have to re-share my watering stations. Also on mail boxes unless the people know to share you cant leave messages for people can you make it so when you put down a mailbox it automatically sets itself to accept mail. I like to leave notes for people to brighten their days or wonderful annoying things like Confucius Says: Man who stands on Toilet is high no pot.
Love this place Thank you for working on it.
Good Day,
Would it be possible to turn bones into fertilizer? I always have an excess of bones and the ability to turn them into something other than tossing them would be nice. I am always looking for something to toss into the composter the worm and grubs have been a nice addition.
[US] RustEZ Scourge PvE | Zombies | No Raiding | No Killing |
Electric not working correctly. I turn my power usage off at when I leave the server. Today when I logged in its like after the first few devices the power just stops. It shows voltage running through the device are just not powering up. Its now been about 10min and a few more lights and heaters have turned on.
Good Day,
Not to be ungrateful for the last two days the daily login prize has not been showing up. I asked a few others on [US] RustEZ Scourge PvE | Zombies | No Raiding | No Killing | they also have not been getting them the last two days. Its odd how human nature is, I feel better that everyone is not getting them. Anyway I was just letting you know. It is one of those things I look forward to makes my day a little brighter. I really enjoy the stuff you do. Thank you for being you.
This will be the second time I have lost all my LG and no ore has been left. I was on yesterday when a message from death stated Public Quarry are fixed so I put 10k fuel in each today when I logged in no ore and my fuel is gone. I play on [US] RustEZ Scourge PvE | Zombies | No Raiding | No Killing |
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