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Everything posted by Fyreswrath

  1. I can't even begin to imagine the stress before this wipe and the same stress multiplied by factor 100 when things broke. Don't worry, we got this! Like busy little rusties we will start filling up our inventories and build up our communities, just like we do best. Never lose sight of how much we appreciate what goes on in the background, which is probably only the half of it. Now...where is my stone hatchet <3
  2. I'm still doing an all-nighter
  3. And again for those of us geographically challenged and hence totally in the dark (see what I did there? ) during the wipe, is the save point at 12 pm EST (US) or 3pm EST (US). I'm gonna need a lot of naps this afternoon!
  4. Oh, I see I have been allocated the "all=nighter"! With regard to the fun, frivolity and dare I say, shenanigans, that will ensue pre-wipe, (and I speak of pure and survival servers here), is raiding allowed as per standard pvp in that others can force their way into bases, or must they not attempt entry on any locked base? Also, decay will not affect stone and above correct? As we have quite a few new players on pure especially, I thought clarification might be good, that and I just want to be sure the frilly knickers I have all packed up will make their way to the other side Fyre
  5. I wondered who my new neighbours were! Looks like all class too
  6. I heard someone in chat recently talking about building a walled community and my ears pricked up! Whether it be on pure or survival I would be in on that team effort Fyre
  7. The swift action is much appreciated, as is the fabulous community spirit shown in the concern for me ( <3 @bleaumeani). As @Death said, I can see trolling for what it is when it comes from that demographic, however I was more concerned for the reputation of our community and the offence others may have taken. Happy to help out in any way. Fyre
  8. I think it would take away that certainty of night = safe, day = pvp. Miss checking the time? Whoops! Also, pvp in some darkness might make it interesting, whilst a little pve during daylight helps resource stockpiling and location scouting. Fyre
  9. With regard to hard wipes, is there a lot of notice beforehand, and where is the best place to find the info of scheduled hard wipes? (other than here of course) For some reason I had August 3 in my head but I have no clue where that came from (lack of sleep hiding in the bushes on Hybrid might be a factor :P). Fyre
  10. Abuse, inappropriate nudity, racism and heavier load - I should have considered these and totally understand why this mod will never be a good idea. Thanks for the explanation Fyre
  11. A quickie....does the server have the signage mod (SIGN ARTIST (0.2.0) I think) so that we can upload pics to signs? I tried and it didn't appear that we do (or my likely I was doing it wrong!) Thanks Fyre
  12. On the subject of skins, I have just opened Fyreskins Fashion on the survival server with a few choice pieces (particularly the goth biker helmet and huntsman hoodie) On the road north of the Sewer Branch. Fyre
  13. So I just noticed that foraging is gone from the list of xp activities, but when I harvest shrooms, my skinning xp goes up. Have I had a few too many shrooms myself or is this new? Fyre
  14. I just wanted to put my 2 cents worth in and say I have been having the best time on this modded server! I still pop over to the other pve but the draw is pretty strong to stay over here now. Love the community, fabulous mods and an all-round good time. Thanks for all you do Fyre
  15. Thank you so much for your adjustment!! This old girl can now see the drops in time to grab a few Fyre
  16. Having run after quite a few drops today that appeared relatively close, I wasn't able to find any of them due to the cargo dropping so quickly and me then losing sight of it. Is there anyway you can tweak this similar to the other PVE server? Although it tells me I might be 281 metres West, I have no way of gauging what that looks like. Just food for thought. Many thanks! Fyre
  17. Thanks, I grabbed it this morning, and so far I have created a structure called "Space 1999" - (brilliant sci fi of the 70's, showing my age ) Having spent the best part of all day creating a version of it I think everything is set for the build post July 6 Fyre
  18. You inspired me to go find that program and start planning!
  19. Hi Just wanted to say hi and introduce myself. Hubby and I just started playing Rust (we've been curious for a while) and having had some "not so great" experiences on a PVP server we came looking for a better fit...and found your server Expect to see us a little more as we settle in and find a place to call home. Fyre
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