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Everything posted by Hodeken

  1. So to clarify it is whoever deals the last hit who has the claim to brad? Or is it even first come first served after someone has done it? I need a clarification as obviously Im going to keep my ears open for ppl doing brad from now on. Who doesnt love some free loot right?
  2. I guess the rocket was for my heli then. Sorry I wasnt aware public even and all that. I didnt get to do any damage to it cause I was going to c4 it and was waiting for it. Thats why they landed right in front of it to take its attention so it would never even come over to where I was. So to clarify it is whoever deals the last hit who has the claim to brad? Or is it even first come first served after someone has done it? I need a clarification as obviously Im going to keep my ears open for ppl doing brad from now on. Who doesnt love some free loot right?
  3. I was doing brad. Two players came, sige and another one named something with Ken. I told them I already started brad and they said we could share. I told them we could not. Ken decided to fire off rocket on brad and take the aggro despite me doing it. When I threatened with reporting them they backed off and instead kept taking brads aggro and making him shoot my helicopter parked in the grass and also make me unable to do him because I was doing him with c4... No admins are online and I dont want to make discord just for this.
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