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Everything posted by clicksnbangs

  1. A lot of players are getting stuck inside the walls of monuments as when they die and use the revive function, they end up stuck inside walls and doors etc.
  2. When attempting to switch to a hazmat from your hotbar, if you don't have at least 1 slot empty on your hotbar the hazzy ends up in Narnia, despite having plenty of room in the inv.
  3. On Elysium at least, havent tried others. The keybind attempts to open the backpack but the contents only flashes open for a second before disappearing. I spoke to a player who mentioned it happens on other US servers and is usually fixed temporarily by a server restart.
  4. Спасибо за обращение. Мы не снимаем запреты на выражения, имеющие только одно значение — целенаправленное или резко уничижительное. Хотя мы понимаем, что этот язык пронизывает музыку, комедии, фильмы и другие медиа, мы не считаем целесообразным его наличие на наших серверах. Уничижительные термины и уничижительные слова, подобные тем, которые были использованы в вашем аккаунте, не приветствуются ни в каком контексте. Это включает в себя глобальный чат, знаки, записи в заметках или спальных мешках. Запрет не будет снят.
  5. This appears to still be borked right now
  6. Thank you for appealing. With the current cancel culture in the world, racism in all aspects of society is being closely scrutinized. While we do understand that it still heavily permeates music, comedy, movies, and other media, it is something we do not feel is appropriate to have in our servers. Words such as what were used on your account, are not welcome in any context. This includes attempting to circumvent the autoban by altering the intended banned word so that people can still understand the word without you being kicked. This is plainly stated on the server's loading screen before you enter. Additionally, this is also stated on Facepunch's Terms of Service. https://support.facepunchstudios.com/hc/en-us/articles/360007485418-Banned-for-Racism-Homophobia Here are resources that you can explore to learn more: guidetoallyship.com https://guidetoallyship.com/ Anti-Racism Glossary https://guides.library.georgetown.edu/antiracism/glossary Anti-Racism Resources https://medschool.duke.edu/about-us/equity-diversity-inclusion/resources/anti-racism-resources The ban will not be lifted. You are solely responsible for what happens on your account. We wish you the best of luck.
  7. Hi Kregorov, Thank you for appealing this ban. After careful review we can see this was a clear incident of an error when typing. With that in mind we will revoke this ban. Please understand, you must use care when posting anywhere in RustEZ to prevent this from happening in the future. The ban has been lifted and you can now log back in.
  8. The storage vaults is missing the elevator so players are unable to proceed after using their blue card to access the tower.
  9. The hostile timer for safezones has returned to 5 mins rather than the reduced timer we used to have.
  10. The UI for storage sorting is overlapping with the main inv. This is with the standard UI scale set as default. Tested on EU Scourge.
  11. I can confirm this player was not on the TC or in the same team
  13. Welcoming all Scoundrels, Rapscallions and Ne'er-do-wells! The Legendary TWISTED METAL APOCALYPSE DEMOLITION DERBY Event is upon us! FRIDAY 19TH APRIL 19:00(BST) - Join us for the most WARPED and WOESOME event to darken your door this wipe and attempt to become the BEST of the WORST in the wasteland as you beat off the competition! EVERYONE IS WELCOME! - RULES DONT LEAVE YOUR VEHICLE EXCEPT TO FLIP IT OR STAND ON THE ROOF WHEN THE VEHICLE IS DEAD KEEP IT MOVING - YOU MUST TRY TO KEEP THE VEHICLE IN MOTION UNLESS IT IS STUCK OR DEAD REMAIN WITH YOUR VEHICLE UNTIL THE ROUND IS OVER CALLOUT IN CHAT WHEN STUCK SO YOU CAN BE PUT BACK INTO THE FRAY ALL REGULAR SERVER RULES STILL APPLY - To start there will be multiple rounds of VEHICLE ROYALE - last left alive with chances to win items such as COSTUMES, SUPPLY DROPS and other SERVER REWARDS! (Server rewards can be transferred to other servers) To end the event there will be 2 rounds of FASTEST TO FAIL - first player to kill their car for a chance at $5 STORE CREDIT! Followed up by the final round of VEHICLE ROYALE for a chance at $10 STORE CREDIT! GOOD LUCK, MISCREANTS! FRIDAY 19TH APRIL 19:00(BST)
  14. This seems to only occur when the tc is full.
  15. Have had 3 or 4 reports in the last week of players logging in dead after logging off inside their bases. The death screen indicated that they had killed themselves. Again today there was a player who had woken up dead with seemingly no explanation, a little while later his team mate had logged on and he too was dead, they have bases very close to each other but they are nowhere near any monuments, they didnt tp back from a safe zone before logging out and they were not seated while logging. One of the players very astutely mentioned there was a metro tunnel underground and after checking I found they were both built right above an area where dwellers and loot spawn. I believe this could explain why they are logging in dead.
  16. Hi, I spoke to you in game and this issue has now been dealt with. Thanks for getting in touch, I hope you can continue to enjoy your time on our server.
  17. You were mistakenly banned as someone had shouted the N word from the vehicle at me while driving past. I believed it to be you when speaking to you but after the ban was placed your friend admitted it was actually him and that he in fact deserved the ban and not you. I apologise for my mistake, we spoke in game when you rejoined so you are aware the ban has now been lifted. I hope you enjoy your time on the server.
  18. Offender: BENO Steam Battlemetrics Server: EU Scourge Time: 20:10 Length: Permanent Reason: Continued griefing and player harassment More Info (Optional): The player has a history of sustained disrespect and harassment towards other players, he has been warned and spoken to in person but doesn't seem to heed any of the warnings. After every instance of griefing and disrespect previously he would cease the behaviour after receiving a warning but sooner or later we find him causing issues yet again. Today BENO was yet again waiting around at launch site, he has been warned previously for camping there waiting for bradley to spawn, and he was being disrespectful towards another player. When I got tagged in chat and asked for help, I spoke to both players and then went invisible to spectate the behaviour, BENO then went up to the player and shouted "fuck you, fuck you, fuck you". Given that this player has had many warnings in the past for toxic and disrespectful behaviour, I have issued a ban to stop him from spoiling other players enjoyment on our server.
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  19. It might be nice for players to be able to visit a page and quickly see but it is very easy for admins to see if someone has been purged though, so if a player finds they are logging on to a fresh beach spawn and want to know why or where their base is, it would take an admin only a few seconds to bring up the log and see they have been purged. It might be useful when there are no admins around to answer this question but any admin can bring up the logs if they give their steam name and server so if the regular server admins are not around another admin on discord could quickly find out if a player suspects they may have been purged.
  20. When you press E on a workbench to use it, it opens up your inventory with the 'open tech tree' option in the bottom right. Underneath that, the sorting UI is present with deposit all, sort a-z, share etc. If you select the deposit all option, any scrap in your main inventory will be deleted. While you wouldn't normally have any reason to select the option to deposit all, if you have the UI scale set to around 0.7 or lower, then the options begin to overlap with the open tech tree button and it can cause some unnecessary frustration when you try to click through the overlapping buttons, only to lose all your scrap. Unfortunately due to using Geforce Now to record this, it doesn't show my cursor, but hopefully you can see I highlight the scrap and then try to click through the deposit all button and the scrap vanished. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHiU9ks3stY obviously not an issue once people are aware that setting the UI scale to 1 will fix the overlap but it would be good if we could avoid it happening in the first place.
  21. EU Scourge - Seems like the animals still don't want to be told not to feast on sleeping players.
  22. Offender: Aмир Кроссавчик Server: EU Scourge Time: 19:33 (BST) Length: Permanent Reason: Griefing More Info (Optional): Player was spoken to on 3 separate occasions about building a ring of tc's around another players build in order to grief them. At first he was trying to tell me it was his base the tc's we encircling but the logs showed differently. After the second time he placed the tc's and was told to remove them, the player decided to build next to where he was griefing and subsequently went out into the map to find loot. It was shortly after, while dealing with another admin request, that i found the player once again placing a tc outside a random players base and run away. Once i had deal with the other issue i was attending to i went straight back to check on the offending player to find he was once again placing tc's around the base of the player he was griefing to begin with. At this point I decided to issue a ban. At the same time i was putting the ban through, other admins had found buildings from the same player that were blocking land and had completely encircled another random player and had also decided to issue a ban based on the notes on his account. Screenshots of a couple of the tc's he placed when i caught him doing it again after 3 prior warnings. Followed by the stone base he had built around.
  23. JOIN US FOR On EU Scourge - FRIDAY 19th August 8pm (BST) Players from all servers welcome to join - any in-game prizes can be transferred Event - The event will start off with a few practice races to get familiar with the course and we will have in-game prizes to award those whose cars survive the soul crushing ordeal and make it to the finish in 1st, 2nd and 3rd place during these races. The Main Event - This will be the last race of the evening and the sweatiest, hardest teeth clenching and pain loving racers will win store credit for 1st and 2nd place, with 3rd place taking home some supply signals for their tortured efforts. 1ST PLACE - $10 2ND PLACE - $5 3RD PLACE - 3 SUPPLY SIGNALS IN-GAME REWARDS FOR PRACTICE ROUNDS Rules Racers must complete 1 grueling lap around the course and have their vehicles arrive at the finish line still functional (no pushing dead cars to the finish line). No driving backwards through the course to disrupt the other drivers. If/when your car is no longer functioning, you are out of the race. Let admins know by typing in chat so we can remove the vehicle and send you back to the start to atone for your failure Regular server rules also apply. We look forward to seeing you all there. GOOD LUCK + HAVE FUN!
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  24. On Asylum the first card reader at the plant isnt receiving power after putting fuel into the generator nearby that should power it. Multiple people have tried to get it to work but it seems something is wrong with it.
  25. Thank you for appealing. With the current cancel culture in the world, the use of certain words in a derogatory context are being closely scrutinized. While we do understand that this language permeates music, comedy, movies, and other media, it is something we do not feel is appropriate to have in our servers. Pejorative terms and words used in a derogatory manner such as what were used on your account, are not welcome in any context. This includes in global chat, on signs, and written on notes or sleeping bags. That being said, after serious consideration, you will get a second chance. Just one. The ban is now lifted, but it will remain on your record. There will be no additional chances as this post should encourage you to change how you speak in our servers and to abide by the rules Take a few minutes before rejoining, and refresh yourself on the rules to avoid any chance of breaking them. If you are unclear on any of them, or aren't sure what is permitted, reach out to the staff and we'll be happy to clarify them for you. ● No raiding, griefing or looting of any kind. ● No mic or chat spam, player disrespect, politics, racism or harassment. ● No camping loot rooms, monuments or any highly concentrated areas. ● You may build in caves but you must ensure safe passage for other players. ● No blocking water ways, building around monuments or large areas of unused land. (Please read the splash page as well, as each server type has slight variations regarding specific features of those servers.) Welcome back. (Please bear in mind, this is a one-time ban reversal. No further rule infractions of this nature can happen. Thank you!) - Clicks
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