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Everything posted by Sgttuggle

  1. I for 1 am having a really hard time finding orchids been finding plenty of roses and sunflowers but cant seem to find orchids much anywhere special they grow? tried to look online but i keep getting links to flower shops
  2. since the new backpack has happened can backpacks be added to the loadouts or make it a vip login perk please
  3. for faster response make sure to go into /help on the discord and tag your server
  4. hope you get to feeling better soon hate ya been sick and unable to do something you enjoy doing
  5. Sgttuggle


    I upgraded to HQM and lost a conveyor and the pipes but not sure if it had something to do with the placement for was not able to upgrade manually
  6. merry rustmas to all and may all have a fun and safe happy new year as well
  7. glue is a filler along with some other items trying to make it where the shop isnt OP
  8. I believe stone was nerfed for ppl were farming it for networth
  9. I even threw a apc distress signal to get bradley and it didnt spawn not sure if this is intended or not which
  10. I am a idiot it takes more than 1 diesel to run which is why it just ate my diesel
  11. I am on Elysium and put diesel in it and it disappeared
  12. tried defendable bases last wipe and spent 1k 5.56 ammo and 10k wood and a lot of other items to activate the auto turrents and flame turrents and shot gun traps and the loot from each wave was basically one military box got to wave 4 and the difficulty is crazy
  13. Sgttuggle


    I would have the server admins look into this and see if they can tell you what it says for the reason
  14. thanks death for it is working now so I figure ya fixed it
  15. it also affects refineries for the splitter stopped working awhile back and since I saw this gave it a shot and picking them up and putting back down fixed it
  16. when try do /sil just says image was added to download queue
  17. I have been playing on Rustez servers for over a year now and on scourge I believe I have over 1 mil net worth and currently 700k on elysium I save the networth for the /shop for i like to buy decorations and such or I use it for revives or occasionally I will buy minis or other special /shop items and sell them in my in game shop I have only set up a pickle farm once with about 100 composters and I hated it for it was so tedious never did it again I usually have about 2-4 horses per wipe so me and my gf can go horseback riding around the map if we want but mainly like having help eat all the food we collected for it usually doesn't sell in the vending machines I make a farm that is 2 story but usually is a 6 by 8 or close to it with no windows and usually has a ladder hatch so we can get on the roof. always buy at least 1 test gen per wipe so never use wind turbines I love the servers, but I have seen the issue with pickle farms for some people take them as a challenge where they will have 500 composters one wipe and next wipe, they plan on increasing it to 1k composters which I have never understood, and I am hoping this stops people from doing this in the future
  18. they are difficult but i will say i did feel accomplished when I soloed launch and killed all npcs there
  19. I am sure if ya ask in chat for help someone will help ya clear the npcs
  21. this was not working correctly for refineries so if it does come back can that be fixed always added more vood than it needed
  22. yes but this isnt a vanilla mechanic so what @Postanouis saying is it wont be added to pure servers even if it does get added to the other rustez servers
  23. the added npcs are awesome it does make things more challenging and adds a new lvl of enjoyment plus now have a reason to make lots of meds
  24. was wondering if you can break the quarries and excavator or nerf them so it is more challenging for us to get mats
  25. will say I love this months map but it does lack npcs was super excited when i saw the video of it for i thought it had npcs still a great map but it is lacking plus I would like to see no quarries or excavator for with them mining is kinda irrelevant and this map has the reg 3 quarries but the special quarries give everything so there is no need to mine
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