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  1. i do not see how the word used was in anyform homophobic and nobody i asked has said it wasnt thank you
  2. i would also like to appeal my warning of using a slur as a member of the lgbtq community and with a fair few gay friends who all agree that the term i used was not a slur of any sort and i have not found any source of information displaying it as such so im atleast looking at changing it from being a slur in the report to me misunderstanding the communities look on that word since i have never once had it offend anyone and it was even commonly used by the gay members of said community. thank you for your time.
  3. i would like it to be known to everyone who views this that i had only done it in the terms of a prank for fun and i would have cleaned up the noise im sorry for my actions on playing a prank for laughs on both sides
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