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Everything posted by Marija

  1. This conversation we have with new people or old people coming back especially very often.
  2. I don't really mind it being not lucrative, as long it's not the same always.
  3. That is also good idea, I like to burn my bases at the end of the wipe. But I also like my vodka at poker table . New Garisson should also be made, I could do this one with my eyes closed and I did ti like 4 times maybe.
  4. Sorry, but adding few more zombies and NPC's wouldn't make it that more difficult. Here are some of my ideas - 1. Make zombies more diverse and / or increase population. - I know that zombies were nerfed due to issues, but i was kind of hoping that would get fixed because they are dumb as hell now. Moreover, more stuff should be added, like we had with the Halloween event - bomb throwing zombies - Population definitely needs to be increased - where are the hordes? 2. Maybe add few NPC-s to some monuments, number depending on what tier monument it is (like how it is on Airfield and Train Yard) 3. Armor should loose it's hp like guns do. There would be more use for leather. You would actually need to hunt for animals to craft armor. Armor shops selling would be a thing. 4. Spawn in server first time nakkid with a rock and a torch only. 5. Longer nights (that is controversial a bit, but I would like it a lot) - more zombies/zombie hordes at nights, wolfs also. 6. Put launch site in snow area entirely. I believe that I don't need to explain reasoning behind that idea. 7. Ability to call in Bradley distress signal (tied to launch site area ofc) 8. I'm not sure if that is even possible, but if you could add poker table (from bandit/underwater labs) to the RustEZ store that would be awesome 9. Add possibility to /home to admin built monuments (EU Scourge for example has Community Center) 10. I know that vodka bottle was added with missions, so if something could be made with that, for example with each sip there is a chance you could get hydrated / puke / heal / radiated Poll would be nice for any changes that would affect everyone.
  5. I fifth ().. I would also like to see "define trade" with instructions how to send/accept, maybe even "define home" because usually people dont realize they can tp for free.
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