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Everything posted by spazg8r

  1. spazg8r


    requesting recycler placement please. first floor by TC if possible. 2nd floor by corner and wall if not. thx!
  2. awww scoot. we will miss you! when you've had sufficient time away, come back and play!
  3. this was so much fun...thx tri~
  4. this...*1000 ...we're not quite 2 weeks into the new wipe and there seems to be a monopoly on goods and trading...at this point I recycle 99% of my daily airdrop to try to get scrap so I can save for the workbench BP's...and while I'm making progress (slow, turtle slow) I will probably not get through all of the cheapest BP's at this point and we lose our knowledge base with the next wipe, correct? Would you be open to any of the following? 1) once or twice a month, make the VIP drop a really decent scrap gift instead. 2) make some of the cars (or parts of the car) scrap. you don't know when or what kind of car/truck...but not only can you farm the cans, but the car too.
  5. That's alotta scrap!
  6. this time around I built on the mining outpost road and it was really congested by about week 3. surprising really. cant wait for the wipe and getting to start fresh, wherever I am dropped.
  7. spazg8r


    is this for post wipe? If so, at your convenience, after the madness, recycler plz. err..I guess that means I have to build quick
  8. dickery indeed...really glad to see these bans and that the admins actively investigate.
  9. Thanks Rich...you definitely kept the supply planes busy! Fun watching all the drops!
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