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Everything posted by Deathmated

  1. I never sell used items, yet it lists some items as used. Here is a ss of it. Thank you for your time.
  2. Yeah used to do that. I no longer do so, thanks!
  3. If somebody started a Go Fund me to give to Death or whoever to take over the mod for /sil command that would be dope! I would put $100 on it instantly! I have heard others would do it too! Who is with me to get this done? I am not a computer Guru, but I have a fat wallet! Let's Go!
  4. The decay can be 200 percent more than normal and you will be fine Viper. I play on other servers where decay is normal. 24k metal shards, or 5k to 8k HQM a day is easy to come by on RUSTEZ, and on other servers where decay is normal. I build 21 by 20 massive buildings with 420 vending machines and I can keep up the decay by myself. That is why I think it is pointless to discuss it at all unless advanced changes are made overall.
  5. I feel the doing it is good and should be, however as long as Pumpjacks are instanced, there are many on the map to use, plus ones you can buy, it is RUSTEZ. The mats are endless in this way which means building mega structures is still ok and will be easy to maintain. One person can horde thousands of mats with no help using this method. You could turn it up x2 decay and it would not matter either. If RUST has changed and the server must to, then make it harder to get rich quickly. Turning in cloth every hour is overpowered for Scrap. Makes it for no economy either in this way. More needs to be changed here then just the decay.
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