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Everything posted by GoSlow

  1. I'd like to see an implementation of an audible notification upon receiving a trade request. Somewhat similar to, if not exactly the same as Death's BetterChatMentions for BetterChat.
  2. I vote yes, today I happened across a "Base" presumably belonging to a team as there were multiple bags on the floor through the window. it was 18 squares in length and 7 squares in width, not too bad I hear some say however on the other bank of the river this monstrosity was upon had been placed numerous TC's to obviously stop any further land development. Just my opinion and not always liked.
  3. If you are at "Y24" and you are talking about me, I don't even know what your problem is as you won't talk to me other than to yell abuse at me, call me a d!@khead and tell me to f#@k off. There is a boat base built right next door to a space invading factory setup, then a river my base and another on the hill. You're incorrect, I don't know which base is actually yours and I don't even know how I could tell anyways. Still if you want to discuss it calmly with me I might actually move sooner rather than later. Your choice.
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