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  1. until

    You cookie is super adorable @MuRDoK Really well done!
  2. until

    My Plushie enjoying a Charlie Brown Christmas.......Ho Ho Ho Kr6ssy
  3. It used to be when you placed your personal pumpjack that you could walk out from under it. We no longer can and must TP to get out from under it. I myself am very picky in placing mine so TPing over and over costs quite a bit in net worth. Im not worried about me, just those who don't have as much net worth. This has been the case for the last 3 or 4 wipes. The visual is similar to the sticking in the wall when karen kills me or like yesterday sticking to the roof generator at launch when killed there. I shake a lot and can't move from where I died. At launch, it took 3 F1 kills and CH47 shooting and killing me to get unstuck. TPing really isn't a good options since I was in the process of killing Bradley and TPing after the revive would have left all my gear there. I do read in chat that it is happening with other as well. US Survival
  4. Hmm well that closed above. Anyway, during my heli fight once she kills me I respawn in the nearby wall so must then tp to my bag in the tower to resume the fight. Thanks, I know this new world has caused issues and I appreciate all your hard work! Just a FYI. Happened during the last 3 times. I know, I know, I should let her kill me, lol
  5. Hi, the exterior wallpaper disappears, also on the quarter wall it gets sandwiched inside when you try to put it on the exterior. I put pictures on the help section bc I couldn't find this bug section on the phone app. Im passing the word so people don't waste their cloth until it's fixed. Thanks
  6. Also the 4 variants of the skull trophy. Right now we can only sell 1.
  7. On US Survival too please!
  8. I know Admins can place their's beautifully and next to each other. We're hampered and limited so our base is huge due to the quarries determining where they go. The place on construction error on rock slabs etc. Would be nice to be easier.
  9. Would be so nice if we could see our TC boundaries so we don't end up with a yahoo building right on top of us where we get red text all over our screens bc their music is jacked. Also, would be nice to see the radius boundaries just holding the TC instead of trying to place, break foundation place, break, etc.
  10. I run 4 quarries every wipe. I put 3 TCs around them so people can't set their own TC down and bonk it, thus stealing my quarries. It used to be that when I automated them, I set my quarry outputs directly into one of the 3 protection TCs, then used the conveyors to transport the materials to my furnaces (except stone of course going to my inside boxes). Now with the change last month, I need to place TCs for the protection and then add a separate foundation for barrels since TCs no longer allow sulfur ore to pass through. So where my property used to look neat and clean with 3 TCs per quarry enclosed in a triangle foundation with walls and a garage door for access it is now more cluttered for the sole purpose of accommodating sulfur. So to sum it up we must add entities to move all our materials because of TC's not allowing sulfur. Not sure this was thought through when they excluded sulfur from the TC's how it would increase entities for the above reason. Thanks for all you do!
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  11. There are 4 styles of skull trophy and only 1 shows in the vending machine, the one on the left. I thought if I clicked on the one pictured in the vendy, the 3 other options would come up,, but they don't. Not a bug really, but I made 5 of the ones in the middle, pictured, and I'd like to sell them. So not a big deal, just thought you should know. I mean since one can sell blood, lol.
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  12. I don't have a farm, unless you call explosive factory a farm. It is limited already due to electrical hookup will short if the base has used too much. Wiping networth would have me search for a new server. It's just a silly idea. My networth is only known by me. I can't sell it etc. I use it for revives and tps. Wiping it every month is just a silly idea.
  13. There is no longer demand for the backpack on Survival since you've made full backpacks no longer nestable, limiting players use to 2. So I'm guessing if you were to run the poll now, black market would be the logical choice. I know many players who have many backpacks in storage boxes since they don't sell not to mention, numbers of people playing whenever I sign on has suffered since they were removed. It really made doing lots of helis or tanks fun since you could pile loot in backpacks, and now we must stop, recycle. My game has changed to making multiple trips to outpost, costing more net, more inconvenience, etc. Not to mention the entire fun of hunting for the rare item in game. So, it's all been ruined. The experience, was fun and now is not. You had a rare gem in the game that made survival out of this world fun..........and now it's not. Yay
  14. I love some type of translation help. I know there are people who have what I think are Asian gamertags. I can't even speak to them because I don't know what the character is and by the time I got to steam and find their steam ID, they chat has moved. Or maybe a quicker way to see their steam ID number so we can chat to them that way.
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