There is no longer demand for the backpack on Survival since you've made full backpacks no longer nestable, limiting players use to 2. So I'm guessing if you were to run the poll now, black market would be the logical choice. I know many players who have many backpacks in storage boxes since they don't sell not to mention, numbers of people playing whenever I sign on has suffered since they were removed. It really made doing lots of helis or tanks fun since you could pile loot in backpacks, and now we must stop, recycle. My game has changed to making multiple trips to outpost, costing more net, more inconvenience, etc. Not to mention the entire fun of hunting for the rare item in game. So, it's all been ruined. The experience, was fun and now is not. You had a rare gem in the game that made survival out of this world fun..........and now it's not. Yay