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Everything posted by ChocolateCremePie

  1. Sooooo, and 18x18 shooting range with indoor tactical course, a basket ball court and a tennis court.... would add a pool but @Death probably wouldn't wanna fill it with water...
  2. Guessing you just made it another PvE server? fun times.
  3. Well, i understand now that boosting off the boat was wrong, i do apologize to whom ever it was i lashed out against.
  4. what ever.... i didnt glitch but you can call it what you will... boats spawning is on facepunch i admit that, but using surroundings to get into a base is how i did it... if you run and jump off the back the engine is actually higher than the boat itself... so knowing that... check your surroundings and weakness in your base.. but i guess yinz just want to call it a glitch
  5. lol really.... i didnt glitch or boost, using a spawned boat next to their base is just a bad spawn location...
  6. well, i guess the saying is go big or go home...
  7. I21, not going to confirm what it is going to be juust yet.
  8. I'd like to give the car a whirl.
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