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Everything posted by Fly

  1. solved. items what could be found in heli crates got returned to your inventory. excuse the delay, i am fighting a real bad cold at the moment so stuff takes more time then usual
  2. Offender: Suge Knight Steam Battlemetrics Server: [EU] Pure Time: 7:46 Length: Permanent Reason: Griefing The player griefed a Player hosted and admin moderated serverevent. he crashed once whitnessed a Scraptransport helicopter into the crowd of players. ban was issued for griefing at least 14 players at the event
  3. Offender: IM NEW BRO IM NEW Steam Battlemetrics Server: [EU Pure] Time: 20:12 Length: Permanent Reason: Griefing That player decided to crash a scraptransport into a Serverevent (Player Hosted, Admin Moderated) was told to stop this behaviour. was reported throwing Grenades at The Event Vehicles. ban issued
  4. Offender: K.i.M Steam Battlemetrics Server: [EU] Pure Time: 19.11.2024 6:19 PM Length: Permanent until appealed Reason: Stealing and player disrespect The player looted a dead body, when i tried to communicate the offender ran yelling "F** you all" was kicked in the process to ensure the victim gets his loot back. he rejoined, ran up to patrol crashsite and started sweeping up heli crates. all whilst yelling "FAK YOU FAK YOU" not paying any attention to any my attempts of communication in several languages (english, german, french, dutch, spanish, russian) banned for stealing and obvious desinterrest of following or knowing the rules
  5. Offender: 555 Battlemetrics | Steam Server: EU Pure Time: 18/11/24 4:17pm Expires: Permanent until appealed. Reason: stealing and griefing More Info: i followed a report of twig on a player base from #help. removed the items , went to the player to talk to them. turned out they are from chile and only speak basic english. so i did an F1 for griefing and explaining the basic rules on this server (no raiding no stealing no griefing). they sayd okay in chat. i took it as they understand and agree. a litlebit later i came across a twigged in compound his name on all of the furnaces and boxes inside. gave him anoter heed of warning regarding stealing. also mentioned the consequences when his name comes up again for stealing or griefing. later on i was called in to a dc´ed player on the road next to his car. 555´s name was found on it in the timeframe. the player was offline at this point so i just issued the ban for another blatant rule violation after being aproached twice in a friendly and polite manner. since the missing items were found in the base of the offender, containing a high ammount of loot with unclear ownership, got sealed until able to return to the victims and taken out of the economy from experience youre able to accumulate this much loot within 8 hours playtime, but you cant have this much loot, full stone base AND a tier 3 in 8 hours if youre solo and new to the server
  6. Offender: Killer AL Steam Battlemetrics Server: [EU] Pure Time: 20:15 Length: Perm Reason: multiple instances of Stealing raiding and griefing Multiple playerreports came up via discord, i checked bm and received a message with evidence video of the offender stealing from excavator his name was found on a players carlift wich claimed the offender gained acess to her base and taking the car appart stealing the modules and gaining acess to her furnace area . the offender was approached and confronted. as he wasnt able to speak or understand english i had to google translate to arabian. he simply suicided out of this situation , respawned, and started hauling stolen loot out of his base. thats when i filed a battlemetrics ban to give me a second to breathe and stop him of destroying evidence and causing more havoc
  7. Offender: named Batttlemetrics Steam Server: [EU] Pure Time: 13:32 Length: Permanent Reason: Stealing raiding and griefing More Info (Optional): a player reported he got raided. i went to investigate and found a huge ammount of twig added to his base so the offender could enter. the boxes vanished his name was found on the players dropbox.. i warned via F1. today i come on the server and another player claims to be raided. i went there and found the offenders name . also the boes were destroyed by abusing a known banned game mechanic. i filed the ban for raiding stealing and griefing since he logged on, read the warn and just continued where he left. tons of more evidence availlable on request
  8. i think this is facepunch side. if it was that easy it probably would been implemented in the past
  9. Offender: Fikasedu Steam Battlemetrics Server: EU pure Time: 09:38 16.8.2024 Length: 30 days Reason: player received 3 warnings and came up yesterday for stealing from a sleeper inside an enclosed base. lootlogs clearly show acess of the bodys. the reported items were found inside his base. he started to despawn loot when confronted. also ignoring me in global chat , only reacting to F1 warn . given his long playtime of 600+hours on the server he just got a 30 day timeout to contemplate about the rules
  10. Offender: Delpover Steam Battlemetrics Server: [EU]Pure Time: 12:25 AM Length: Perm Reason: Stealing griefing and player disrespect The Player joined and immediatly asked if hes able to place ladders on players bases. some time later i got called to a player wich was really upset someone added twig to his furnace space in his base. i removed the twig made screenshots and mooved on since its a first time offender and i didnt made the link in my head about the question being in relation to the offender. i sent an F1 with the rules and returned to my dutys half an hour later i found more twig of the offender recently placed after i sent him the f1. i checked his bm and saw hes a german like i am , and hes still online. so i teleported to him and checked on him to talk to him on his native language. i found him in banditcamp at the fetilizer trader. since i was curious how many he has in his posession, i checked his inv and saw like 3k fertilizer wich were obviously stolen from another player. when confronted, he turned toxic and stated " Ifound this in a bodybag" i stated that this would be still considered stealing and confiscated the fertilizer to return it later when its getting reported missing . i told him to pull up /rules via chat. few minutes later he sayd "the admin is such a C*nt" and "go die in hell" on german. also he called me a spastic what shows the intollerance towards diabled people. the players wich understood this were shocked. he dropped everything and logged of naked i filed the ban before i went to bed to prevent him joining back on our servers and causing more disruption to the community
  11. Fly

    ban appeal

    Thank you for participating in our Appeal system. We do not ban players lightly out of a mood or feeling. it needs evidence to be justifyed. your display of homophobic signcontent got you a 30 day ban. with the intention of making you think about the rules of our server. The following discord conversation where you tried to justify your actions and later display of racist symbols turned your 30 "timeout" into a permanent ban. the evidence is and was provided Eyes only rust EZ staff. Tollerance for any Ethnic, race or gender is one of the key Values of Rust EZ.I do not want to take Risk in exposing our playerbase to your mindset. the Ban remains Permanent will not be lifted until further Revision or Descision by Leadership. ~Fly of EZ
  12. you may appeal in 8 weeks again . for now the ban sticks.
  13. Thank you @gudbai for participating in our appleal process, Firstly) i have to say: your rights have not been violated since its not a right , more like a perk to play on our servers. the adminteam of RustEz Pure EU came to the conclusion to suspend your acess to our servers because you kept targeting a member of the LGBTQ+ community and stated you want to destroy his 2 k scrap helicopter (and only his) like you did once and your teammate attempted to destoy it just to grief sayd player. our serverrules state clearly we do not accept any kind of harassment. Secondly) you got talked to by 3 admins Vorlon, Sudo and me, approached both in english and russian via global chat and our our warning system to cease your continued harassment of a valued community member. you were told the rules. on english and russian. you decided to shoot a rocket onto the roof anyway. we took it as harassment. you were urged and warned to stop your behaviour at least 3 times. your ignnorance for our rules and your intolerance towards minoritys led to our descision The Ban will remain in place. we wish you the best for your future and hope you find a server wich fits your Expectations, mindset and needs Fly of Ez Pure EU
  14. Hello @ErontizzReal, thank you for taking the time to submit an appeal. After bans like this it usually involves at minimum a significant time away from the server for the player to mature and reform. 4 Weeks do not seem eough time to mature, i feel. you were aproached multiple times by different admins on different servers , you were told the rules more then once, pointed towards /rules, asked to familiarize yourself with them and still harassed a player on another Ez server. your name was found on a box of another player inside an enclosed base, acessible through a windowjump after i personally had a talk with you. you apologized and promised to not check other players belongings/bodys/bases. so i have to assume you give away promises and apologies lightheartetly. I'm very sorry this outcome is not what you were hoping for. We do not make these decisions lightly and hope this will be a learning experience moving forward. At this time I'm not willing to expose our player base to a repeat of chaos and harassment you brought to our servers. The ban will not be lifted at this point in time. - Fly of [EU] Pure
  15. Offender: gudbai Steam Battlemetrics Server: [EU] Pure Time: 31.07.2024 22:49 Length: Perm Reason: griefing shot on multiple ocasions a players attackhelicopter was warned and still went for it
  16. Offender: Greg Battlemetrics Steam Server: [EU] pure Time: 31.07.2024 12:37 Length: Perm Reason: stealing and griefing Player is a known troll , already banned on 3 accounts. and he should know the rules by now. he twigged on playerbases , stole an atttackhelicopter and received multiple playerreports so far. Account Bernado: baned by me in january temporary, 30 days was told the Rules and given a month ban to think about them Account Reginald Francis , banned by frances on july 28th, Perm account Greg Today, Perm Reason: He was told the Rules on his other alises and accounts multiple times, and just causing havoc and severe community disruption on our server(s). Intentionally disregarding the rules and values we stand for on Ez!
  17. Offender: Arnold Schwarzenegger Steam Battlemetrics Server: [EU] Pure Time: 15.07.2024 23:05 Length: Perm Reason: Stealing in multiple instances More Info: player picked up a backpack of a dead player laughed in my face when confronted and stated "finders keepers" i asked the victim for the contents of sayd backpack with like a signature item . when i checked the lootlogs of his dead body i saw the offender checked his body so i went to open his inventory and compare the contents of the backpack with the description of the victim. i let him go with a formal warning via f1 player continued playing and eventually arrived at Storage vaults where he saw a player taking bradley and used the opportunity to steal his attackhelicopter. Admin vorlon was called over and did not find the loot of a player reported stolen from storage vaults. out of curiosity i teleported to owneditems by the player to check if they got a base and ended up on a stash placed by the offender stashed an m249 matching skin got reported and a ton of ammo. in his inv we found meds and tactical gloves also reported stolen from sayd body. taking his record in consideration wich had already a warning of the 2nd of june of me on it for stealing i filed the ban for stealing again. player showed no interrest to join the community or following the rules.
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  18. Offender: 100 Steam Battlemetrics Server: [EU]Pure Time: 12. Juli 2024 14:44 Length: Perm Reason: stealing and Griefing player stole an attackheli crashed it. was warned via voice. told to check /rules several times, continued twigging onto a base and stealing a minicopter
  19. Offender: vugdsrg Steam Battlemetrics Server: [EU] Time: 11.07.2024 09:49 AM Gmt+1 Length: PERM Reason: Stealing and Griefing More info : The player had 19:36 hours on the server and managed to get kicked 3 times by 2 different admins for stealing and refusing to listen. due to the severity of his last Stunt i felt urged to issue the Ban to protect our Community from this to happen again. i was responding to a ticket in #help and found the players corpse inside the victims base and his name on all of the storage barrels. the players already emptied the bradley loot from his body taking back what was technically theirs. the offenders name was found on all of the storage Barrels in their base.
  20. Offender: svetly20021 Steam Battlemetrics Server: [EU] Pure Time: 09.07.2024 12:52 Length: Perm Reason: Stealing and griefing the Player went deep on another players store while he forgot to close the door. the offender got f1 waned on russian. after sorting the case and returning the stolen loot to the owner of the shop i teleported again to the offender and watched him jackhammering a car with the clear intent to remove the lock. player was kicked to get his attention and buy me time to prepare and translate another warning for griefing. i continued watching him and saw him pretending to play normal, scrapping the roads and stashing the comps in his base. then he suddenly got naked, ran arround checked bases for potential weakpoints. he was also watched pushing a car off a carlift inside a base. and kicked for it with the final warning in f1 . the ban was issued when i watched him editing and griefing a sign of another player. he was warned multiple times on russian and english. he refused to communicate or provide any feedback to the warns like he understood, or anything.
  21. Offender: will willmcmaster Steam Battlemetrics Server:[EU] Pure Time: 10:08 PM Gmt+1 Length: Perm Reason: Stealing Player had already a history with twigging and being suspect of stealing on JP Pure.Today he joined EU Pure and continued twigging and looting sleepers since he got verbally warned of frances already and was now caught again for stealing i issued the ban.
  22. Offender: DAM Server: [EU] Pure Time: 06.07.2024 8:29 PM Length: Perm until appealed Reason:Stealing More Info: player got warned for for multiple instances of theft and was approached by 3 different admins. kicked in the process when he tried to go straight after the warn for another private drop(s). today he joined the server again just to steal from a sleeper on spawn beach
  23. Offender: ryanbuttlord // SophieRain Steam Battlemetrics Server: [EU] Pure Time: Juli 1st 2024 19:28 Length: Perm Reason: Griefing More Info: Player was aproached multiple times warned in person, and told the rules via voicechat. player apologized for his deeds and stated to follow the rules from now. he was warned 20.06.2024 13:52 and came up on survival by another name for mic spam and harassment .today his name was found on logs, inside a base, acessible through window jump on the sleeper and the box inside
  24. Offender: advokat1k Steam Battlemetrics Server: EU PURE Time: 9:41 gmt +1 Length: Perm Reason: stealing Player was warned already by 3 admins and was told the rules but came up again in a Stealingcase
  25. Offender:Fusy-cool /Hydra-dragon Steam Battlemetrics Server: [EU] Pure Time: 07.05.2024 20:11 Length: Perm Reason: Stealing , griefing and Player Harassment Player joined the server , stole a camper at Bandit, looted it , and ran it over with a tain. the player was aproached in a friendly way, was told to stop harassing players and to read/rules. since he continued harassment i issued a kick to get his attention. he came back and trolled 2 other players , tryed to steal bradley loot, and was banned as he respawned and looted a running furnace in front of a base.
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