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Everything posted by Fly

  1. so we encountered a weird bug. you cant pass the 2 doors in the front at the ramp of military tunnels. closed/opened doors. nothing. noclipped in, try to walk out. not possible, bug was for me and deadplant. i got a volunteer player to the location and told him to walk in and out , for him it worked. i am not sure why i cant enter regular .tried also to crouch and jump. this far i could get in:
  2. Offender1: Django Steam Battlemetrics Offender2: Gonedeep Singh Steam Battlemetrics Server : EU Pure Length: Permanent Reason: multiple instances of theft, raiding and looting, multiple instances of staff disrespect, voice chat spam along with Player herassment. additional info: i found him (offender1) aacessing players base as a fresh spawn (like 3 minutes on the server)was told the rules. and that i wont tolerate any of this behaviour on this server. 20 minutes later he Boosted up a wall with his buddy(gonedeep singh former theamazingsalvio/offender2), gained acess into a players base , raided the boxes. was confronted and acted like a 5 year old. offender 2 was kicked to give me room to deal with django) had to cage him in and gave out an official warning. and also told him if i catch him stealing again he risk a ban . i let him go and when i followed him i saw him stealing LGF from a refinery.afterwards they were jerking around a player, herasing them in voice stole at one point the players horse and begged for LGF. then they had a minicopter, but after 2 hours following him i thought he changed his behaviour. today he logged on, and stole straight away the minicopter from gringo. proof: will add more screenshots when i get them from moundoul
  3. Offender : ayberkpro Battlemetrics Steam Server: EU Pure Time : 2:05 PM GMT+1 Length: Permanent Reason: Raiding, Stealing Additional info: Player was followed by me when he entered the server, he showed pvp server behavior in trying to kill a player , i aproached him and told him the rules. he was seriously toxic in voice chat, and refused to follow my advice . half an hour later i caught him entering a base emptying the quarry . i decided to wait and follow him more. ben spammed the rules but he continued trying to acess another base. stole metal frags, charcoal and fuel from the furnaces . they upgraded their base with the stolen resouces . this is when i stepped in and tp´ed him into my jail. whitness of the earlyer conversations and handling is gringo. evidence is gathered by ben and me . aditional screenshots are possible UP on request
  4. I am proud to annouce the winners of this event: 1st place : Jaffa Blﷲde (10$ store credit) 2nd place : Lonely Alpha (5$ Store credit) 3rd place: BigETI (5 supply signals next wipe) it was hard, unfair, but i congratulate everybody made it into the winners lounge i also want to mention the amazing work of Ben, Moundoul and Heidi.Knipping wich made it possible to run the event as smooth as it went . thank you guys
  5. event pushed back, new time is now 1 hour later
  6. Fly


    i am pretty proud of my base this wipe , like tribrats sayd, it offers a lot of space and is built legit, i had just a "few" stability problems whilst construction but i solved it in adding support
  7. temp means temporary, not permanent so when the devs fix it, it goes back to normal like i tried to expain you in game chat
  8. G brings up the map instant but whilst mooving we rubberband like crazy and the release of G takes at least 3 seconds to close the map . and also the first time pressing g and releasing works fine but from the second time you get the lag issue (for me at least)
  9. House of Pain EU edition This event will be simple get across the hall Alive. It will not be an easy task though. You will face unseen dangers were one miss step could be your last. -All are welcome to come give it a try. -You are to bring Nothing you don't want to lose. -You will be only given a glimmer of hope to get to the other side. Time: 12:00 pm EST, 5:00 pm GMT 6/23/2019 PURE (EU) Prizes: 1st Place: $10 RustEZ store credit 2nd Place: $5 RustEZ store credit 3rd Place: 5 Supply signals Completion Award: 2 Supply signals Participation Award: 1 Supply signal Rules: -Any boosting up on walls or taking any other path other than the hall will result in disqualification. -Please keep moving Forward! Not one Step Back! -Picking up other players will be up to you. Do you help someone in need or leave them to die? You decide for yourself. -Try to be respectful to other players, but be aware people will be bumping into each other. -You are going to die. A lot. credits to Frenchy, the evil genious inventor i "stole" the idea of.
  10. Offenders: B3rid Battlemetrics Steam , Thibdumont Battlemetrics Steam Server: EU Pure Time: 6:00 PM gmt+1 Reason: Raiding Griefing, Staff Disrespect Lenghth:Permanent Additional Info: A player reported a theft from an enclosured base.it was only enterable by minicopter or baloon. i went there and saw the base was all sweeped dry, both guys authorized on tc. the owner named 8 k metal frags 800 Highquality Metal, 16k wood, 3 k Scrap, a bolt action rifle with a flashlight and a full box of components . i went over to b3rid and found a wood/Stone sheetmetal Base the base and boxes of them were stacked, what is pretty unusual for 3 hours playtime on this server . so breezer and me hauled back the loot to the owner. and breezer noticed a spike barricade placed within the tc range hidden in a bush. i called tribrats and ben in to have a look on this case . from what i whitnessed b3rid made fun of ben and laughed at him when he was teleported into a cell and got confronted. he also tried to get out of his entlocked base by picking up wooden windowbars . thibdumont instantly logged when he was confronted . Proof : i have many screenshots, i can hand in more if additional proof is needed.
  11. either fuel or the hopperoutput logs are showing its not working the whole wipe
  12. Fly


    damn if i havent got a stroke already i would get one there
  13. @eu pure i assisted in this case . player had a stack of 87 5.56 bullets on him . i saw the reloading animation but when i grabbed the gun afterwards it was just empty. for me the reload was working. so i advised him to kill the game. launch fresh , connect and try again . no change. i advised him to f1 kill himself and try again. nothing. we also ensured to have the right keybind with bind r +reload in console.i dropped him my own AK and told him to reload. same . reload animation but no reloading. yes. since my advises were depleted i sent him to bug reports . and hes the only one with that kind of issue on eu pure right now . //edit player had a semi auto rifle and my ak to test with
  14. @eu pure we cant edit signs. you can use them but you are not able to draw anything on it now . yesterday it worked for me
  15. warning system through console not working . we dont get a confirmation that its sent, i tested with breezer and either steam id or player id is working, also define isnt working,
  16. a team is more then 2 guys farming and one using the stuff. my personal experience with molly.speers is an other. when i died in military tunnels he looted my body . when i came back i had only his crap on my body. boots swapped with burlap, etc etc . i told him i dont like that . he swapped his used guns and i had to ask for every specific item to get it back . if i didnt ask he kept it.and if we were sucessful he was the first one on the lootboxes sweeping them and leaving the crap for us to pick it up. well, i would have apreciated at least a look in there before. he stoped with my stuff but then he took stuff from my teammate. dickmoove. we acessed him to our base he didnt farmed a single node of sulfur but took loads of c4 . i was farming hours and hours to get this much c4. then he tried to legitimize his actions by "i gave you this, i gave you that" i didnt asked for the stuff(yes molly, you gave me a wb3 and some scrap, BUT its a difference if you quit the server or give it to me whilst playing the wipe) after the c4 vanished he lost all his trust i offered him. molly is a USER not a FARMER. "i dont have a single bp" well, take a syringe research it(enough scrap was all time present) . easy . all excuses . i was really pissed of him 3 wipes ago when i came online one day and an admin told me : what have you done to hawk and dudex? i never spoke a single word to you guys - i did nothing to you - and i didnt talked about molly.speers. i shared my experience with him to other players. true. i was tired of farming a whole wipe stuff and molly joining near end of wipe the team and using it in 1 day. well my consequence was, i dont team up with him again. and his behavour might encouraged some players to leave and stop playing EZ-servers. my promotion to admin and the tons of tons of nice and not selfish players were my only motivation to keep on playing. i was seriously pissed . i wasnt looking for a ban of molly , i was looking for him to change his behaviour . and 10 players wich teamed with him(scroll up to see the names) doesnt make good the (maybe dozens?) players he used. i am giving them a voice here now. 99% are hesitating to comment here. like i did the first 2 days . this is my personal view on him, since i am admin on eu pure, he barely played on there (i question myself: how comes?) maybe because i know his strategy of using and legitimizing afterwards. ALL my experiences with him was made as a non - vip player , not an admin- then i became admin and he tried to use me again tp me there gimme minicopter etc etc . i ended kicking him from my steam friends and blocking all other requests of him. i was tired of getting used . pardon the typing mistakes and the sloppy gramar. i am german
  17. so the bandit camp offers just the red ammo? i thought you get all kind of grenade ammo there , oops
  18. Fly

    "I am Fly"

    by Rosa Taube
  19. Fly

    /box not working

    /box (lootlog of the container) isnt working on @eu Pure ben tested it also it seems to be down his name
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