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Everything posted by Venator

  1. What about using a locker instead of the larger shelves for placement, would that be of a similar size?
  2. How about a Building/Construction level, where as you level higher, the resource cost for upgrading is lowered?
  3. Good to hear quarries are now in Scourge. Also, are there any plans to make changes to Pump Jacks?
  4. Death always does great work
  5. What we really need in RustEZ is a chicken drawing competition Here's my entry, if anyone else would like to compete, feel free to post your own chicken drawing
  6. This should be a thing as well as a personal Rowboat/RHIB
  7. Seems to be fixed on US scourge but the zombies still show as random numbers in the Kill Feed on AU scourge
  8. Since the update made recently to zombies, they are shown as random numbers in the kill feed just like scientists This is a problem because of the new zombie sniper competition, if the name isn't shown as zombie it doesn't count.
  9. I took this picture last night. It's not a good distance but just wanted to make a post anyway. Also since zombies aren't called zombies anymore in the kill feed it's the best I can do for now.
  10. You also have the ability to remove your built structures for 10 minutes using a normal hammer, so if you make a mistake (even if your structures are upgraded) you can easily fix the mistake using a normal hammer. For the most part you won't need a Salvaged hammer until you want to make changes to your existing base design, or move items around that you normally can't pick up using a normal hammer (such as Workbenches). After 10 minutes, a Salvaged hammer will be required unless you want to use a Jackhammer or Explosives to remove structures. The Salvaged hammer is a great item to use for this purpose, and as it doesn't have much of a use or purpose in vanilla rust, it only costs 75 scrap to research, and only costs 1 metal pipe (these are easy to find) and 50 metal fragments to craft. It's understandable that they can be difficult to find while looting, but as Granny previously stated, you can find them commonly being sold at other players' vending machines. Although perhaps Death could add Salvaged hammers to the RustEZ store for purchase as an extra way to obtain one, especially for use during the beginning of a server wipe.
  11. But if someone only wanted one, or could only afford one, since they are a subscriber why should they go without when a normal player can still buy just 1? At least change it so subscribers can checkout for $0.90 but it's still $1.00 for everyone else.
  12. When you are a subscriber, you get a 10% discount on all items in the RustEZ store, but there is still a minimum of $1.00 you must spend to purchase from the store. I think this should be lowered to $0.90 so subscribers can purchase an item worth $1.00 ($0.90 for subscribers) such as a pookie bear, hobo barrel or supply signal.
  13. It's an interesting idea, but just not sure how it could be implemented
  14. How about hackable crate drops at all monuments at the same time?
  15. Rand switches don't stack which is inconsistent with other electrical components Also similar problem with tuna can lamps, out of all other items that use low grade fuel, it is the only item that stacks, and you end up losing 5 fuel if you have one already in your inventory.
  16. Is it possible to detect if a container is filled with water or fuel? It would be great if we could have empty containers stack whereas filled containers didn't stack Some item examples: Water jug, Small water bottle, Miners hat, Tuna can lamp, Candle hat
  17. Personal minicopter that doesn't decay could be added to the RustEZ store, I'd also like to see Boats added to the store if possible.
  18. Will the new AU servers be added for this competition?
  19. Forgot to mention, this is on AU Scourge.
  20. When you find buried treasure, buried is misspelled 'burried'.
  21. Might also be good to increase the stack sizes, currently the HE grenade ammo only stacks to 12.
  22. Usually it can be seen on the Live Map if the Rust.IO plugin is in the server.
  23. I'm not sure if this is the right section, I just clicked 'Report Player' at the top and it brought me here I would like to make a report against a player named Yurikomi. This person is constantly spamming the chat and has started numerous arguments with many players. Here is some picture proof of the constant spamming I am seeing on a day to day basis: Yurikomi has a microphone but refuses to use it, instead preferring to spam the chat full of messages. Many of these messages are sent when running games at ROFLNATOR's casino that was previously located at Pookie Town in X6 but has now re-located at Barter Town in P5. Yurikomi has had arguments in the past with Tornado77 over a boat, with Mira over running a competing casino, and with NoFriendLoser over looting an air drop. I have been in the server to witness numerous of these arguments started by Yurikomi, who has come off as controlling and aggressive towards other players. I would also like to say that I used to be an employee of ROFLNATOR's casino but have since resigned due to Yurikomi's behaviour, I have decided to return to playing as a solo player because I would prefer not to associate with such players. Thanks for reading my report.
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