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Everything posted by Ouchmousie

  1. Hi there, indeed on EU Survival we're facing a similar issue. Either the new pipes don't work or something else is broken, however everytime we log into the game we have to "restart" the deployables again for them to actually work. Meaning, anything we have autmatically running via pipes (small oil ref, furnaces, quarries and pumpjacks) aren't actually processing even though they seem to be to on (flames coming out of the furnace and small oil refineries etc) so we have to turn everything off one by one and turn them on again otherwise they are stuck not actually doing anything. Is this a known issue at the moment due to new pipes, are you guys aware? Because it is defeating the purpose of pipes unfortunately... Also not totally related to this bug but flow rates seem to be bugged too... doesn't matter anymore if a pipe is wood, stone etc etc.
  2. Sorry to add to this but it is a daily issue... I work full time, 40 hours a week, I stop work around 4:30-5pm and by that time all I want to do is (well ideally meet with my friends and get pissed but due to the pandemic that's not an option anymore so) play Rust... Go do whatever it has to offer at the time without having to feel guilty because someone had been camping brad for 20 minutes and all I did was fly in with a mini and killed it. Literally happened not an hour ago where I got shit from a player who was apparently waiting on him and when I link the rules I get more back talk. I don't want back talk... I want people to just not moan and whine because they're not allowed to break the rules otherwise I'm going to start breaking the rules and steal every loot or camp every monument... See how that works??? Two can play that game, but here we are good little kiddies following server rules and having to put up with the retaliation that comes with it too. Just put some clear list of rules. I don't feel like getting off work and then have to deal with keyboard warriors and drama in global all night long... Pffff having to take time out of my work-free evening to type out this was taxing...
  3. Yeah so obviously this is all a mess and I agree 100% with everything Geri said. Especially the Scourge servers are having so much trouble following the rules.
  4. Hi Aurora, Thanks for your time. I agree with a lot of points from your original reply but there are some points that need to be disected further. As you know toxicity levels have gone way up with the surge of new players. No matter how much we as a community would like to help moderate and explain rules when admins are missing, this often results in a war in chat with people who know the rules vs the ones who will start roasting you for telling them the rules and they will resort to that idiotic statement "BUT THIS IS RUST"... Hapenned to me quite a lot of times, people don't really read or understand English really well and all it ends up coming off as is you being a b*tch basically or them twisting every single thing you say in chat. We need the above points somewhere as part of the official FAQ and in more detail because English is not everyone's first language and they just won't understand it with such a vague point. I understand what you're saying but especially the red highlighted point can get real unclear real fast. I'll give you an example, we did cargo yesterday... we cleared all the scientists and one guy came aboard wanting to loot after everything was killed already. His expectation was that it is perfectly normal to loot cargo when he had not killed a single scientist. I told him in voice, this isn't how it works and started explaining rules in global chat again for the millionth time that day, you can imagine at this point I am tired of explaining these things to people. Him and a few others insisted that I'm obligated to share loot with them and that I shouldn't be greedy... I mean why should I share if I killed all the scientists, looting is half the fun. With Bradley or Heli it's easy to see who did how much dmg, you can go console and do combatlog or get an admin to help you but you can imagine there's no actual way to measure who did dmg and who deserves loot with rigs and cargo. For these specific instances (cargo and rigs) there should be an actual rule that says first come first serve, if it's already occupied take the next one... you guys need to come up with a solution that does not result in the regular players getting roasted for explaining rules in chat... This happens so often and you can imagine I don't want to be explaining rules 5000 times a day, this should be written down somewhere in the FAQ that I can link in chat and say "go there and read". Sorry for the long post again, I'm OCD and I work well with rules, I don't like it when people just take advantage of the absence of admins and will just go off on you using that opportunity when you try to explain to them and I don't want go on a reporting spree every time someone is being disrespectful or breaking the rules, that must get tedious for the admins as well....
  5. Hi Aurora, Thanks, that is great. However, it is not enough. As you are aware Rust has gotten quite a surge of new players due to all of the promoting ongoing on Twitch etc... Great for the money grab, bad for our servers. Unfortunately, I cannot agree that I am thrilled to see so many new players because I feel like the RustEZ servers aren't equipped to handle such a surge of new players in terms of short staff (lack of admin presence) and especially lack of clarity in the rules. The regular/old players often find themselves debating, explaining and repeating server rules to new people several times a day because we do not have a place we can refer them to where it is listed in an unambigious way and completely closed for interpretation. Added on top of it, not even our admins seem to be all on the same page as to what is considered camping and what is not, this doesn't help either. The rules should be enforced all the same by each and every admin. I wish we could have a clear list of rules, that leaves no room for random interpretation. I'll give you an example of what I think the rules are and you can see my interpretation might be completely different than what the actual rules are and by all means please correct me so that we can maybe use this thread as a reference for the new playerbase. So at this link we have "Server Rule: No camping loot rooms, monuments, or any highly concentrated areas." to me this means the following; 1. Players should not camp concentrated loot areas (LS/Bradley, Oil Rig, Patrol Helicopter, Raidable Bases etc.) So this point is clear enough imo but it could still be improvied to make it completely idiot-proof because people are still (even though spawn of Brad is randomized) camping on top of the ticket booth or the buildings at LS for almost an hour to take him and if someone else comes in on a mini to check out the site, they get chased away because they had been "waiting there first". Results often in drama... 2. If monuments/events such as Oil Rigs, Cargo or raidable bases are ALREADY actively occupied by players, meaning they're already getting done, people should not attempt to join in on that and just wait for the next time it is available again. I cannot explain the amount of times I had to explain rules to someone, when I had already cleared scientists on cargo or rigs and someone just thinks it's perfectly acceptable to come on after and start looting when it's already occupied and the work is done... It's ridiculous! I just had a fight about this on EU Scourge today... Their expectation was that I should share the loot with them even though they did not kill a single scientist. 3. This point and it is heavily open for discussion imo: Bradley and Patrol Helicopter; our admins have a very "hold hands and sing kumbaya" approach to this, saying if others took down heli or brad with you, you should share the loot. As I'm sure you can imagine, this 90% of the time ends up in an argument in chat as to who should loot how many crates. Some people will do like 2% dmg and say "Ok I damaged it, I get a crate now." I personally do not even attempt to touch the heli or bradley if it's already getting done; simply because I don't want to get into this debate and I don't want to share the loot if I did 90% of the dmg... I think it's common sense but most people will lack that and that's why we need clear rules about this too. Anyways... We didn't need these rules revamped, re-explained or reinforced this badly before because playerbase was pretty much the same for quite a while... But now we do... we have A LOT of new players and it's A PAIN to deal with them... Sorry... Long ass post, I got nothing else to do in this pandemic. Been working from home-office since March, Rust is my hobby now. Rofl... x'D
  6. Yes this is absolute aids... twig should be rid of if it hasn't been upgraded certain amount of time, it's upkeep should be higher so that decay will kick in sooner, faster and harder!!! People lately been starting to use that shit to grief others too. Servers get laggy af... And it should definitely be applicable to all, regardless whether player has VIP or not, that's just nonsense.
  7. Heya, So I do not mind the new way we skin stuff though I must say I miss the old way we did it which gave us the option to preview it in a bigger popup window but I'm already used to the new way now. One thing I would like to humbly recommend is to bring the option to skin multiple stacks (of same item) rather then having to do it one by one. I don't know if anyone else is bothered by this but yeah it's a bit of a hassle... Xoxo, mousie
  8. Yes so I went on my friend's server where we spawned 100 of each of those presents. Medium present gives the Baubels and the Tree lights but to put it light I got only 2 tree lights from 100 medium presents so the drop rate is freaking LOW.... Same goes for Baubels.... Tree topper also comes from medium presents. The rest drops from the smaller ones and those got good odds since Im sitting on piles of those. So yeah I wish we could just buy these from the webstore here..............................................
  9. You can but with my luck I keep getting the same ones and I don't think I will complete it before actual Christmas. QQ It's okay.. I'll walk away now.
  10. I still want to see decorations for the tree in the shop... e.e *cries in 4 different languages*
  11. Hi Death, Could you please add the Christmas tree and all of it's decorations in the store for this month for those of us who don't have the patience to loot them in game? xD PUHRRRRRREAAAAASE !!!!!!????? Xoxo, The Village Witch of EU Survival
  12. Yes indeed I was just hopping on here to update you on an observation I made (same as your), when you remove/destroy something with a hammer or salvaged hammer, if this is in close range to the skull trophy it will just give up on life. lolll
  13. Yep, just to verify one of my skull trophies which I had placed on a table broke within the hour of placing. Dicko was there too, we were inside my base so there were no zombies nearby or any reason for destruction.
  14. Hi, So I am wondering if there's any way to actually remove the cooldowns on the vendors at outpost and bandit for the modded servers (Survival and Scourge)? I mean the whole purpose of players like me choosing for modded servers is to bypass these annoying type of defaults from the vanilla servers... It's hella irritating.
  15. Hey Death, On EU Survival the daily VIP airdrop claim has stopped working since this morning (was able to claim it last a day ago). Several people on server confirm the same problem, we get the automatic message to wait even though it has been a day since we claimed it last. Also noticed that upon first login, we did not get the daily gift selection (to choose something out of the 3 options). Br, Mousie
  16. We just used 2 distress signals with my friend (in same team) we killed bother helis and loot access seems to behave inconsistent. I was able to open some crates whereas he could not open any and I'm pretty sure he did more damage on both than me. this is on EU Survival
  17. So today I saw the solution to this was to remove a bunch of people's shops from the map at random... I was one of the lucky ones to have all their icons disappear and I only run 3 shops, whereas we have some extreme people on the server who have like 40 shops in one zone... Not only now nobody will remember where my shop was but I'll be sitting on loads of LGF I can't do anything with... Great it got fixed but wouldn't it have been more reasonable to at least allow 1 icon per player instead of ruining people's business by randomly erasing them from the map completely?
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