OK. I have completed a level 1 and a level 3 so far. I spent way more in mats to get the boxes than the boxes have for loot. It feels like a normal offline raid on any Rust base. I duod it both times. The level 1 we blew in from the back and laddered up yesterday. Today was the level 3 and it wouldn't allow me to ladder up(might have been a TC issue since it spawned right next to another players base). I'm assuming that the loot inside is just a placeholder. If not, it's not worth the mats used to get inside. I really love the idea. It would be a lot better if either there were NPCs inside to give it an online feel, and maybe make them respawn every few mins like a bag timer. OR! Have it open to pvp for counter raids or both. If the loot inside was worth the mats to get inside I can see these being popular. The fact that they can spawn inside another player's TC range isn't good since we can't ladder up like a normal raid (the player that owns the base can). Just one opinion.