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Everything posted by device420

  1. OK. I have completed a level 1 and a level 3 so far. I spent way more in mats to get the boxes than the boxes have for loot. It feels like a normal offline raid on any Rust base. I duod it both times. The level 1 we blew in from the back and laddered up yesterday. Today was the level 3 and it wouldn't allow me to ladder up(might have been a TC issue since it spawned right next to another players base). I'm assuming that the loot inside is just a placeholder. If not, it's not worth the mats used to get inside. I really love the idea. It would be a lot better if either there were NPCs inside to give it an online feel, and maybe make them respawn every few mins like a bag timer. OR! Have it open to pvp for counter raids or both. If the loot inside was worth the mats to get inside I can see these being popular. The fact that they can spawn inside another player's TC range isn't good since we can't ladder up like a normal raid (the player that owns the base can). Just one opinion.
  2. It would be great if there were an item used like a box where you could split off items equally (Like a splitter for electrical). Maybe a whole system for Jpipe connectors. The game Satisfactory has these and they allow a ton of functionality. I'm trying to have it where 2 level 5 pump jacks can output to one box and then equally split the crude to multiple refineries. Then, have those dump back into one box inside my base. I have all of it setup and worked out with the exception that the refineries are not getting the crude properly. It seems like it only flows to 1 of them instead of all of them.
  3. VIP gives extra slots in your backpack already.
  4. It would be nice to be able to buy caps on the store. Or an item to trade for caps. Like 10k at a time or something.
  5. I love it! To add to that, teams could do it together and it could split the caps between the teammates. If someone wants to do a heli they would have to play more to keep their caps up. Win Win.
  6. What do you think about being able to make artwork on a frame and be able to trade/sell in game? Have it so the artwork stays on the frame and the ability to remove it from the wall.
  7. If the things for sale carried wipe to wipe I think many more people would actually make purchases. Even if it was only a VIP feature.
  8. I'm new here. And I pretty new to Rust as well. I have played on quite a few servers though. A few suggestions: Faster smelting times would be really nice. The /voteday mod would as well. I play on the survival server. One thing I noticed is that it's not really a challenge to survive. Maybe increasing animal or scientist counts would be fun. Everything else about the server is perfect. Especially the admin!
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