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Everything posted by Ares

  1. Ares

    Ares appeal

    As I said in the screenshot, disturbing somebody isn't harassment, and I stopped anyways, walking off towards my base, before I was then banned.
  2. Ares

    Ares appeal

    I was told to stop with the sounds and I did.
  3. Ares

    Ares appeal

    I wasn't banned for an attitude, I was banned for firing arrows at somebody, which is apparently harassment now.
  4. Ares

    Ares appeal

    I literally quoted the definition of harassment to you before, I didn't coordinate ways to annoy people, that was just a joke, and Stryker doesn't care about what I did, he just wants an excuse to be outraged.
  5. Ares

    Ares appeal

    You could clearly tell from where my body was that I was leaving.
  6. I was banned for harassment by death despite doing what he asked after the last warning, walking away from them and even talking to a passerby.
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