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a 3/0 sc lauan

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Posts posted by a 3/0 sc lauan

  1. Offender: uytooo011      Battlemetrics | Steam
    Server: US Pure
    Time: 11:27PM EST
    Length: Permanent
    Reason: Stealing 
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    on 4/19 uytooo was kicked with the instructions to read the rules and rejoin as well as sent a console warning in english and arabic notifying them that stealing is not allowed on our server after they were found stealing diesel from players actively running GEP.  

    on 5/3 uytooo was again warned for stealing after running around the map stealing the contents of players personal supply signals.  The warning was sent in english and arabic, again notifying them that stealing is not allowed and to use /rules in chat to prevent any future incidents up to and including a ban from our server. 

    on 6/3 a player reported their base and sleeper being looted.  after investigating it was found that uytooo had twigged onto the players base and entered it via exploit to steal everything they had access to.  

    Given their short time on our server and continued disregard for server rules with repeated thefts, a ban was placed on uytooo's account.  

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  2. Offender: aidan     Battlemetrics | Steam
    Server: US Pure
    Time: 8:03 PM EST
    Length: Permanent
    Reason: Stealing 
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    on 4/21 aidan was kicked with the message "read the rules and rejoin" after stealing items from another player after being told verbally that it was against the server rules.  

    on 4/23 aidan was found to have twigged onto another players base.  I was unable to send a warning at this time, so their battlemetrics was noted and upon seeing them logged into the server this evening (5/2) a warning was sent notifying them that griefing players by twigging onto their base is against the server rules and that they should type /rules in chat to bring up the server rules and/or ask an admin if they have any questions. 

    on 5/2 roughly 10 minutes after their warning for griefing, a player called for an admin to come investigate the theft of a personal airdrop.  aiden was found to be in possession of an entire airdrop worth of items commonly found within supply signals, as well as being based across the street from the person making the complaint.  Upon further investigation it was also noticed aiden had built out from their main base in such a way as to grief multiple players (including the one who reported the theft) just down the hill from their base.  

    Given aiden's continued disregard for server rules to the detriment of the community in their short amount of time on our server, a permanent ban was placed on their account. 


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  3. Offender: J ROC   Battlemetrics | Steam  (Formerly Cecil Medlock)
    Server: US Pure
    Time: 10:57PM EST
    Length: Permanent 
    Reason: Griefing
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    on 3/20 J ROC entrered another players base and stole everything they were able to access.  In an attempt to further hide the items they stole, they handed them off to another player who knew they were stolen.  J ROC was issued a console warning outlining our rules against raiding and stealing, while urging them to type /rules in chat to become familiar with the server rules and prevent further rule infractions from occuring.  

    on 3/22 J ROC was found to have griefed another player by twigging onto their base in an attempt to gain access to it.  J ROC was sent another console warning notifying them that player griefing and twigging onto other players bases is against server rules and a bannable offense.  J ROC was again reminded to type /rules in chat to become familiar with the server rules and avoid further infractions.  

    on 4/8 J ROC was warned for toxic behavior following players notifying admins about a confrontation in global chat over an oil rig confrontation.  J ROC was again console warned and urged to read the server rules to prevent further infractions or a server ban.  

    on 4/10 J ROC was found to have twigged onto at least 4 different players bases in an attempt to gain access to them, with J ROC showing on the logs of containers and//or players sleepers they were able to access.

    factoring in J ROC's time on our server and the continued, frequent rule breaking after numerous warnings and chances to abide by the server rules to ensure a fair and fun experience for our community, I decided to place a permanent ban on J ROC's account.  





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  4. Offender: TopCN    Battlemetrics | Steam
    Server: US Pure
    Time: 10:10PM EST
    Length: Permanent
    Reason: Monument camping
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    After serving their temporary ban (report located HERE)

    TopCN returned to US Pure where he began to camp launch again.  After receiving a player report while i was online that they were again camping launch site i went to monitor the situation and found TopCN camping in the guard shack at launch waiting for the Bradley to spawn.  

    On top of continuing with the behavior they were already previously temp banned for, this is the fifth instance of TopCN being caught camping bradley, with each of the prior 4 warnings informing TopCN of the rules surrounding monument camping along with numerous PSA's in game outside of these direct interactions with TopCN.  Given their continued disregard for anyone else being able to kill bradley on a server with numerous players hoping to get a chance at the monument daily, as well as their disregard for prior warnings and their temporary ban, a permanent ban was placed on their account.  


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  5. Thank you for appealing. We do not lift bans for language which has only one meaning, that being purposefully racist or severely derogatory. 

    While we do understand that this language permeates music, comedy, movies, and other media, it is something we do not feel is appropriate to have in our servers.

    Pejorative terms and derogatory words such as what were used on your account, are not welcome in any context. This includes in global chat, on signs, and written on notes or sleeping bags.

    This is plainly stated on the server's loading screen before you enter.

    Additionally, this is also stated on Facepunch's Terms of Service. 

    The ban will not be lifted.

  6. Offender: PENGIS    Battlemetrics | Steam
    Server: US Pure
    Time: 12:16AM EST
    Length: Permanent
    Reason: Griefing
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    Admins were called to another players base to investigate the theft of a mini heli, and upon investigation it was found that PENGIS had twigged onto the players base, stolen the players mini, crashed it into another base, then stole the mini from that base and crashed it into the reporting players base where PENGIS then died.  PENGIS was issued a console warning notifying them that stealing is against the rules on our server and to use /rules in chat to bring up the server rules and become familiar with them.  

    After respawning, PENGIS returned to the original reporting players base and twigged onto the base again in an attempt to steal the players scrap heli, at which point they were kicked with the message "read the rules and rejoin". 

    After rejoining, PENGIS returned to the players base again, twigged onto the base for a third time, and attempted to steal the players scrap heli again.  Given the disregard for server rules and ither players enjoyment of the game in such a short time on our server, a permanent ban was placed on their account. 

  7. Building onto other players bases that are not on your team is still against the server rules along with all the other infractions on your account previously.  

    we went above and beyond in sending warnings in your native language letting you know how to access the server rules, as well as giving you extra chances given the amount of time between your early warnings and the most recent ones and you continued to break the server rules.

    At this point in time the ban will not be lifted.  We wish you the best of luck finding a server that is better suited to your play style.

    在不属于您团队的其他玩家基础上进行建设仍然违反服务器规则,以及您帐户之前的所有其他违规行为。 我们不遗余力地以您的母语发送警告,让您知道如何访问服务器规则,并考虑到您的早期警告与最近的警告之间的时间间隔以及您继续破坏服务器的情况,为您提供额外的机会规则。 目前该禁令不会解除。我们祝您好运,找到更适合您游戏风格的服务器。

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  8. Offender: ooo     Battlemetrics | Steam
    Server: US Pure
    Time: 9:52PM EST
    Length: Permanent
    Reason: Griefing
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    on 10/7/21 ooo was warned for stealing loot from another players dead body.  ooo was asked to type /rules in chat to review and become familiar with the server rules to prevent and further infractions.  

    on 10/15/21 ooo griefed another players base and again was given a verbal and console warning (sent in English and Chinese) reminding them of the rules on our server, and how to use /rules in chat to review the server rules and prevent further incidents. 

    on 10/16/21 ooo was warned again for harassing neighbors with spotlights by aiming them directly at their base.  ooo was again sent a warning in Chinese and English letting them know this behavior would not be tolerated and any further rule infraction may lead to a ban from our servers. 

    on 1/10/24 ooo built a base directly beside bandit camp and outfitted it with active SAM sites that were shooting down players as soon as they would attempt to leave bandit with newly purchased helicopters.  While investigating this ooo was seen watching his sam sites target and destroy other players helicopters and made no effort of his own to remedy the situation.  After the SAM's were disabled ooo was sent a console warning in English and Chinese letting him know turrets will now target other players after our change back to the community tab, and that killing other players/destroying their modes of transportation is against server rules. 

    on 3/9/2024 ooo was found to have twigged onto another players base to gain entry and was found on the logs of the players furnaces within their compound.  After a review of their history on our server and the continued disregard for server rules even after being given many chances to be an upstanding member of the community, the decision was made to place a permanent ban on their account.  



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  9. Offender: PuRe_Snipez          Battlemetrics |Steam
    Server: US Pure
    Time: 4:22AM EST
    Length: Permanent
    Reason: Stealing and Griefing
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    on 2/23 while monitoring game chat, I noticed a player making claims that their base was taken over and that they were locked out of their own TC.  Upon investigation, PuRe and a teammate had entered the base via a base exploit and cleared the base owner from his TC then placed his own lock on it, as well as rummaging through every unlocked container within that players base.  At this time a warning was sent notifying PuRe that raiding, stealing, and base griefing are all against the server rules and suggested typing /rules into chat to become familiar with the server rules to avoid future issues.  

    After dealing with the previous warning and removing items belonging to PuRe from that players base, I returned to watch PuRe and found them within the high external walls of another players compound openly chatting in voice chat with his teammate about how they were going to continue to look for bases to raid.  Following them for a short while longer, i found PuRe attempting to enter another players base via base exploit.  Once PuRe gained access to the base they again began rummaging through unlocked containers and furnaces/refineries before accessing that players vehicle lift and removing the lock from the vehicle on the lift.  At this time a kick from the server was issued with the message to "read the rules and rejoin".  PuRe and their teammate were removed from the area and another warning was sent notifying PuRe that stealing, raiding, and base griefing were against the server rules and that any further infractions could result in a ban from our servers.  PuRe was again urged to type /rules in chat to avoid further issues or a ban.  

    on 2/25 while investigating an unrelated issue, it was discovered that roughly 15 hours after the two prior warnings for stealing and base griefing PuRe accessed another players base via base exploit and authorized on their TC.  Given the amount of time on our server along with the numerous instances of raiding, stealing, and griefing carried out by PuRe, showing their continued disregard for the server rules and other players enjoyment of the game, a Permanent ban was placed on their account.

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  10. 6 hours ago, Vorlon said:

    with the servers being updated to purer than pure this month I presumed the non instanced quarries had been taken off line as they wont let me stick in some low grade into them to get a bit of a resource boost.  But by your post it would suggest that sticking in a few barrels of diesel will get the old birds working 🤔

    The quarries and pumpjacks running diesel was a facepunch change in december of 2022, so without the lgf plugin that's allowed it to stay the old way, yes everything can be fired up with some diesel! 🙂

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, RKF1 said:

    People act like people who steal in Rust are bad actors. They are literally playing within the gameplay set by Facepunch for this game. The pure servers just coddle people way too much in my opinion. My 7 day (wipe) ban has made me look into other PVE servers to find what I am missing in the Pure servers. I just want a true pure vanilla PVE server. No pvp damage and no base damage from other players. Other than that pure vanilla gameplay. Maybe i'll find it out there somewhere.

    Its not a "wipe ban" and you'll have plenty of time to save your progression upon the expiration of it.  

    Anyway, it is within the gameplay set by facepunch, however as someone who interacts and deals with most of these "people playing the game" its not generally people that hopped on a pve and didnt realize it was no stealing.  A majority of the thieves are players intentionally picking pve servers to grief.  That's a mindset that might short term increase a few players enjoyment of the game, at the expense of the server as a whole in my opinion.  

    I dont dislike the concept, but i feel like that's a better concept for a new server instead of a goal to move an established one to, because a community built within those guidelines will jive much better together.  We had how many regulars move to scourge and survival simply because we lost sil and instancing.  Now add stealing allowed? I dont think it would work well here. 

    47 minutes ago, InfernalJustice said:

    Yeah, it is sort of ironic that the staff of EZ is using the terms "integrity and community" while also using a profile picture includes an alt-right symbol.

    If you have any examples of me not treating everyone on our server with integrity, respect, and a sense of community, i would urge you to turn that evidence over to leadership so that they may review it.  

    The same goes for my profile picture that i've had since well before pepe memes were allegedy a "symbol of anything" 

    If you have an issue with it, or feel i'm being overtly political in regards to it, please, file a report for investigation, as me doing that would be against the rules.

  12. It might be plausible if the thieves werent insane with their knowledge of how to exploit bases.  As embarrassing as it is, i've even been stolen from on a couple occasions, and i dont store anything in any boxes or rooms until 100% of my base and storage containers are locked up.  

    Then to expect players with sub-100 hours in the game to be able to counter that would be an awfully steep learning curve, even with the community helping out.  I also feel as though this would encourage the bad actors to stick around and prey on those that dont know any better, which would decay the integrity of our community overall. 

  13. To add to this with some of the recent updates. 

    Decay would allow the legacy shacks to poof, as well as the numerous "starter bases" that have been abandoned, and "bear" foundations that are littered all over the place.  I realize that's all less of a hit as far as any lag is concerned, but nice to keep room available for newer/active players looking for a nice spot!

  14. Offender: RKF1     Battlemetrics | Steam
    Server: US Pure
    Time: 1:47 PM EST
    Length: 7 Days
    Reason: Griefing
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    on 7/18 RKF1 was console warned after a player had reported their sign outside their base was altered without permission.  The player was notified in the warning that modifying a player's base or structure without permission was a form of griefing and to be sure to type /rules in chat to become familiar with the server rules to avoid any further rule infractions. 

    on 7/29 after RKF1 had admitted to some toxic gameplay in global chat a review of their chat logs revealed they had removed some players items with the salvage hammer and harassing players with griefing builds that included significant amounts of windmills and/or searchlights in some instances. RKF1 was sent a warning informing them that harassing and toxic gameplay is a serious offence and not permitted on our servers. This includes building bases with the intent to harass, annoy or impede the gameplay of others. Removing player builds and deployables that do not belong to them.

    on 1/16 I logged on to Investigate a situation brought to my attention by RKF1 in which he admitted to entering a player's base that was open to avoid the patrol helicopter and killing a horse he got stuck on to free himself.  After looking into this report what RKF admitted to me all seemed to be correct information, and the base in question was not a clearly marked public area and was set back quite a ways from the main road passing by it.  Taking into account RKF1's warning and play history, as well as their honest admission to their actions in this particular instance where rules were broken, a 7-day ban is being placed on their account in an attempt to curb this type of behavior, with RKF1 hopefully returning to the community after the expiration of their ban as an upstanding, rule-abiding member of our community. 


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  15. Offender: ruster     Battlemetrics | Steam
    Server: US Pure
    Time: 3:30 AM EST
    Length: Perm
    Reason: Stealing and Griefing
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    on 1/12 It was reported to the admin team that a player was stealing from other players bases and leaving notes thanking them for the loot while also including where the offender lived.  After an admin logged in to investigate it was found that ruster had raided multiple different bases leaving notes with all of the base owners that he had stolen their items.  Ruster was kicked with instructions to read the rules and rejoin, as well as sent a console warning in English and Russian notifying them that raiding, stealing, player and base griefing are all against the rules and that they should type /rules in chat to become familiar with the server rules as continuing these actions could result in a permanent ban from the server. 

    While playing this morning I noticed a player call out another player in global chat for attempting to ladder into their heli tower.  I immediately went to the player to investigate and found that ruster had covered the players tower in ladders attempting to gain access to it.  I asked the player to check their other builds in the area for ladders while I sent ruster another warning in English and Russian notifying them that stealing, raiding, player and base griefing are all against the server rules and to use /rules in chat to become familiar with the server rules as any further infractions of this nature could result in a ban from our server. 

    However, after further investigation, I found ruster had been laddering into multiple different bases again and accessing storage containers within.  Given ruster's short amount of time on our server and committing multiple different instances of raiding and stealing from multiple bases near his own, I made the decision to apply a permanent ban on rusters account. 



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  16. You're good to go! in the future, dont touch anything like that and just notify an admin that it exists.  We can take a look and do what needs to be done with it.  This is a one time ban reversal for something of this nature as you can see RustEZ has a zero tolerance policy towards that type of language. 


    Looking forward to seeing you back in game! 



  17. Offender: MrTurbo     Battlemetrics | Steam
    Server: US Pure
    Time: 2:47PM EST
    Length: Permanent
    Reason: Stealing 
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    I was called to a players base in game who had reported that someone was inside stealing from them.  Upon teleporting to the player MrTurbo was running off with over 50 of the players berry clones planting them in the ground to waste them as he ran away.  A console warning was sent notifying MrTurbo that stealing was against server rules and to use /rules in chat to become familiar with the server rules. 

    After leaving the previous players base MrTurbo went to the neighbor of the previous player and began rummaging through their furnaces and refineries before using a base exploit to enter the players base, at which time i kicked MrTurbo with the message "read the rules and rejoin" as well as sending MrTurbo a console warning in English and German that entering players bases uninvited, harassment, and griefing are all against the server rules and to use /rules in chat to avoid continued rule breaking. MrTurbo was also teleported to the hobo hut to remove them from the area. 

    Upon rejoining the server after the kick, MrTurbo suicided and ran straight to the previous players base where he waited to steal that players personal supply drop.  As soon as the supply drop landed MrTurbo took the entire contents of it.  At this point in time i removed all the items from the drop from MrTurbos inventory to return to the owner of the drop and Made the decision to place a permanent ban on MrTurbos account for stealing. 

  18. Offender: Spiteful  Battlemetrics | Steam
    Server: US Pure
    Time: 6:51 AM EST
    Length: Permanent
    Reason: Stealing
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    on 12/27 I was summoned for help via discord from a player who was reporting a theft of a large number of items from their base.  After logging in and checking the logs on containers with items reported missing, I found Spiteful's name on just about everything within the players base and found spiteful to be in possession of all the items reported missing.  A console warning was sent in English and Russian informing Spiteful that entering bases via base exploit, player, and base griefing, and stealing were all against server rules and that they should type /rules in chat to bring up and become familiar with the server rules. 

    While observing Spiteful this morning, I watched them access another player's base via base exploit and access every container and sleeper within the base.  At this time another console warning was sent in English and Russian informing Spiteful that accessing other players bases uninvited and via base exploit is against the server rules and to type /rules in chat to bring up the server rules if they wanted to continue playing and progressing on our server.  

    A few minutes after the previous warning Spiteful used suicide to move around the spawn beach at which time I watched Spiteful access a fully kitted sleeper's inventory and remove everything from their sleeper. Given the continued disregard for server rules after multiple warnings and opportunities to be a good community member, and Spiteful's significant negative impact to other players the decision was made to place a permanent ban on their account. 

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  19. Offender: PanDuro  Battlemetrics | Steam
    Server: US Pure 
    Time: 12:29 PM EST
    Length: Permanent
    Reason: Griefing and stealing
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    on 12/23 while patrolling the island, i came across a base that appeared to have been griefed with twig.  Upon investigation i found that PanDuro had griefed this base in an attempt to gain access to it.  PanDuro was console warned in English and Spanish notifying them about our rules regarding player and base griefing as well as stealing and asking them to type /rules in chat to bring up and become familiar with the server rules. 

    on 12/25 I once again found that PanDuro had griefed a player's base in an attempt to gain access and was successful this time resulting in PanDuro showing on the logs of multiple containers within the base.  Further investigation after this incident led me to about 10 different bases PanDuro had griefed in this manner.  Once again, a console warning was sent in English and Spanish outlining our rules on player and base griefing as well as asking them to use /rules in chat to bring up and become familiar with the server rules if they wished to continue playing on our server. 

    Today, while finishing a base project I noticed PanDuro had logged onto the server.  Upon first teleporting to the player, they appeared to be playing the game normally and I returned to my own business, however a second check a short time later found PanDuro had disconnected after landing their mini on top of another player's base and looting everything within that they could access, while despawning that players items which they didn't want.  

    Given PanDuro's continued disregard for the server rules after multiple opportunities and warnings to try and help them become a good community member, and their already heavy impact to other players on our server, a Permanent ban was placed on their account. 

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  20. Join us on US Pure for the December maze! 

    Located in the desert at F10 on US Pure, this month's maze once again provides a challenge to new participants and veterans alike! 

    To run the maze, simply walk up to the entrance and find the correct button to push that will let you enter! rinse and repeat throughout the maze until you find your way to the exit! this maze has no tricks, traps, parkour, or combinations, simply find the button and work your way through the correct path! 

    Near the maze there's plenty of space for sleeping bags if you'd like the ability to spawn in, alternatively storage for your items is provided in one of the boxes on site if needed! 

    Food for the maze runners is provided as well as a flashlight once you make your way through the first door.

    Prizes for this month's maze:
    1st finish:  1 golden egg and 2 supply drops
    2nd finish: 1 golden egg
    3rd finish: 2 supply drops
    4th finish: 1 supply drop

    Prizes for the winners will be handed out during the January wipe!

    Everyone is welcome to join us on US Pure for some maze fun, and we look forward to seeing you there!

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  21. Offender: Cursed    Battlemetrics | Steam
    Server: US Pure 
    Time: 6:02 AM EST
    Length: Permanent
    Reason: Griefing
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    While travelling around the map this morning checking in on things, I happened across a player's base with a significant amount of twig that looked out of place.  logs revealed these structures belonged to Cursed who was not teamed with or otherwise associated with the owner of the base.  After cleaning up the players base, a warning was sent to Cursed in English and French explaining our rules on player and base griefing and asking them to use /rules in chat to bring up the server rules and become familiar with them.  

    after departing this base i then came across 4 more bases Cursed had built onto in relatively short order.  After clearing these off for the base owners and to prevent others from exploiting the structures, i decided to look into things significantly deeper as this appeared to be a much more widespread issue.  After making my way around the map to items associated with Cursed, I eventually ended up removing 61 entities from around 20 different players bases around the map.  

    Given Cursed's short time on our server, and to prevent another significant wave of player disruption in the event they ignored their prior warning, I made the decision to place a permanent ban on their account. 

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  22. Thank you for appealing. 

    With the current cancel culture in the world, racism in all aspects of society is being closely scrutinized.  While we do understand that it still heavily permeates music, comedy, movies, and other media, it is something we do not feel is appropriate to have in our servers.

    Words such as what you painted on sign(s), are not welcome in any context. 

    This is plainly stated on the server's loading screen before you enter.

    Additionally, this is also stated on Facepunch's Terms of Service. 

    Here are resources that you can explore to learn more:


    Anti-Racism Glossary


    Anti-Racism Resources



    The ban will not be lifted.

    You are solely responsible for what happens on your account. 
    We wish you the best of luck.

  23. Offender: ChatGPT     Battlemetrics | Steam
    Server: US Pure
    Time: 11:34AM EST
    Length: Permanent
    Reason: Griefing
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    On 12/16 Admins were called to assist a player who had their mode of transportation (a modular vehicle with a camper) stolen.  The player who was stolen from spawned on their camper and found themselves locked inside another player's base.  Upon investigation it was discovered that ChatGPT had damaged the vehicle enough to remove the lock, then stole the vehicle, parking it within their base.  ChatGPT was warned that damaging players modes of transportation and stealing were against the rules, and to use /rules in chat to bring up the server rules and become familiar with them as further occurrences could lead to a ban from our server. 

    This morning, while investigating a sign with a racial slur painted on it, it was discovered that ChatGPT had also painted a penis on that same sign (which was owned by another player) and was warned that Player disrespect/harassment, Pornographic, Sexist, Homophobic, Political, Racist and Controversial Content is not allowed on Rust EZ.  Again, ChatGPT was asked to type /rules in chat to become familiar with the server rules so they could continue playing on our servers.  in each instance the warnings were sent in English and Chinese to ensure the player had every opportunity to continue as a rule abiding member of our community.  

    shortly afterwards while observing ChatGPT I watched him modify the name of a player's sleeping bag to a homophobic slur.  Given the short amount of time since their last warning outlining this same type of behavior not being acceptable, and their continued impact on other players enjoyment of our server, a permanent ban was placed on their account.  

    screenshots available upon request. 

  24. Offender: AWP and a dream      Battlemetrics | Steam
    Server: US Pure 
    Time: 10:56PM EST
    Length: Permanent
    Reason: Stealing and griefing
    More Info (Optional):

    While out browsing the map for shenanigans i came across a base that looked as though it had been griefed.  while inspecting this base i found AWP attempting to gain entry by crawling under foundations.  Eventually AWP found a hole to crawl through and began surveying the base in an attempt to steal items.  When AWP found all the boxes locked, they located the bases owner and began rummaging through their inventory.  AWP was removed from the base and issued a console warning notifying them stealing and entering other players bases without permission were both against the rules and to type /rules in chat to bring up a summary of the server rules in order to keep playing on our servers.  

    Shortly after their warning AWP came across another base they entered via base exploit, and again began rummaging through the players sleeper after finding all the boxes in the base locked.  This time I kicked AWP from the server with a message asking them to "read the rules and rejoin" as well as sending them a console warning asking them to use /rules in chat to read the server rules and notifying them again that stealing and entering other people's bases without permission was against the rules and that their next offense could lead to a ban. 

    Upon rejoining the server after that warning AWP began running across the map until he came across a gas station with another player using the recycler.  AWP pushed the player off the recycler via game mechanics and when the recycler no longer showed "occupied" stole the loot that player was recycling. 

    Given the amount of opportunity given to AWP to be a rule abiding community member and their continued disregard for our server rules in such a short period of time, directly effecting other players enjoyment of the game, the decision was made to place a permanent ban on their account. 


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