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Everything posted by birbperson

  1. plot twist: you're a ghost and you can back to the physical world!
  2. Status report US Scourge, put in 10K in each last night HQM & Sulfur, gone this morning after reset. Haven't gotten it to stay overnight this wipe.
  3. Awesome neon signs everyone, I'm actually working on mine for my fireworks shop on US Scourge, will post when finished!!
  4. I'm interested in the genocide of spotlights as well
  5. Didn't know this, will definitely have to set this bind.
  6. I think 1:1 would be fair for personal car. I think if a dealership than it will have to be an automated dealership, which is what I think Death was saying last time he was speaking about this topic on scourge. To expand on the topic I believe that it should also be ok for someone to pick up a car and flip it without storing it for X amount days because there is always demand.
  7. birbperson

    Jesus I thought pulling 9 was a lot lol!
  8. birbperson


    sign blunt good point
  9. You can fly me into a fiery heli crash and collect my skull any day +1
  10. hey there fellow french speaker, welcome to the server/community!! Space Engineers looked pretty cool but I never got into it because my old pc couldn't run it.
  11. build temples at the top of mountains dedicated to cheese, what else does one do in rust..
  12. Looking forward to trying Bradley & Garrison next wipe, too busy learning everything else xD loot doesn't seem terrible at the moment.
  13. Banned for two hours for mentioning a japanese mechanical (spelling resembles a slur word) game when I was brainstorming ideas. pigeon / US Scourge
  14. Although I am new around this sever and community, I wish everyone the best and good health for 2020!
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