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Dirty Harry

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Everything posted by Dirty Harry

  1. I'd expect you to reply with something like that I'm figuring your damn good with computers and coding.
  2. Not gaming related, but What's everyone do for a living outside of the gaming world and where you guys from. Me I'm from Wisconsin. I myself work for a GM dealership detailing cars and washing them up for customers and average 120 hours every two weeks. Again just curiosity and no one has to say unless they'd like to. Just trying to interact with the community and get to know my fellow rust people ?
  3. Hot as hell today IRL, feeling like sitting in the A/C sounds like a plan ?

  4. Dirty Harry

    Bear loving

    What in gods creation is that? haha Where was that picture at. Someone childhood was a bit disturbing.
  5. No problem @Death you ever need help let me know. I'd glad to whether be input, helping people, or testing in-game stuff. I'm always up for it. I like helping out where needed. AndI can see people need help alot lmao.
  6. The new maps not too bad. Really like the flooded roads in some parts. The middles of the map has no landmarks, but that is cool by me and i like that we have little and big islands besides the main part of the map. Keep up the good work.
  7. Not bad. Gives people a reason to actually communicate and showcase on the forum. You sir deserve a gold sticker for effort
  8. Its alright. I dont think Ill really build something big this time anyways. Ill probably build a small shack and just help people who need stuff or are just starting. Rather help people and build stuff anyways.
  9. Originally I wanted longer days, but I started to like both the day and the night. Daytime is for all the hard work and exploring and I use the nice to smelt, craft and build. So Keeping it how it is now is fine by me.
  10. I knew a force wipe was coming. I remember asking last month about it and no one knew much about it. Damnit all that hard work down the toilet I'll spend my birthday building it all back up again. Now next question which I know it's going to happen still is will we still have the wipe July 1st or did the wipe reset that.
  11. It kind of pissed me off. I'd get in and not even a minute later I was booted. About broke another keyboard over it.
  12. What was the issue to begin with when it was triggered? All I kept getting was a EAC Authentication Error and I 'd be booted everytime I tried joining the server.
  13. Dirty Harry

    Stuff I Made

    Not really server related, but I been messing with making skins and came up with a few. The pistol is by far my favorite.
  14. My pictures aren't the best and wouldn't expect in-game goodies it's all good. I enjoy taking random pictures.
  15. Dirty Harry

    Kodak Moment

    Smile for the camera :P
  16. But bears give the best compared to other animals. Just decreasing population would be a better alternative over removing entirely. Besides the bears have a tendency to save the day by accident. I can't count how many times I'd hear a wolf and then I'd go out to kill it and see that a bear destroyed the wolf for me. Removing entirely would make hunting for food, leather, cloth, etc a pain to gain.
  17. Dirty Harry

    Syn Manor

    I'll have to swing by and check it out one of these days. Syn you should add me on steam
  18. Staircase all the way to the top to overlook the land as Black Jesus himself has done. lol Theres also a random and small gift shop.
  19. Dirty Harry


    Figured I show the entire base via birds eye view from the Black Jesus Memorial
  20. Some fog and morning sunlight peaking over the mountains
  21. Dirty Harry

    Lakeside Compound

    Nothing special really. Just everytime I come up on my compound and see it in the distance I get excited.
  22. True that. I'm still slightly bummed. I died last night and had a cool down on my bag. By the time I was able to spawn in I lost my gun and ammo
  23. No problem. Its just something I pay attention to when I'm out grinding for resources and when I got to kill for food. Could just say blow the map up with chickens like you did my base haha but that'd be overkill.
  24. I didn't expect quick smelt or anything of that nature. I was just saying those were things I considered a mod before I found out plugins are also considered it. And instant crafting would be awesome down the road. I hate waiting so long for external walls
  25. Bears are not that bad. Its the wolves. They just magically spawn out of nowhere and usually don't start making sounds til they are on you. I see more boars than horses and chickens which is alright, but a somewhat equal variety would be nice. So I for one would like more no-hostile wildlife and a bit dumbed down on the hostile part ("makes it a bit easier for people just starting off versus us already geared for it. And in most cases the mobs are easy to kill off. Feel like I post too much already, but I like talking and I tend to be opinionated
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