Offender: Sergiu (Battlemetrics) (Steam Profile)
Server: US Survival
Time: 11:30am
Length: Permanent
Reason: Exploiting
More Info (Optional): Info can be provided to other admin's by request.
Offender: Bianconi70 Battlemetrics Steam
Server: US Survival
Time: 8:38 PM PST
Length: Permanent
Reason: Exploiting/Cheating. Screenshots are available to Leadership upon request.
Offender: Gabriel_carreno Steam | Battlemetrics
Server: US Survival
Time: 8:25pm PST
Length: Permanent
Reason: Player Disrespect
More Info: Player was harassing other players in person and in chat. Multiple mutes did not de-escalate the player's behavior. Player then decided to go straight to disrespecting an admin over and over in chat.
Just happened to "certified hood classic" on US Survival. Their client crashed and in front of their friend the body disappeared. Log shows they were killed by a wolf, but none were around. There is no backpacks or anything left behind either.
To add to this. If it's electrical that received power at reset it's still on (always on electricity). If it's a button, timer, blocker or such you will see the issues. Auto light function only at night? you will see your lights come on 1 at a time every 12 minutes. Elevators work manually, but buttons have the delay.
Electrical lag on US Survival Server has been getting worse and worse. Today the electrical lag is 12 minutes and 9 seconds per electrical piece..... Please look into this. It's very unplayable.
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