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Bug Comments posted by Squog

  1. Hi xPMx - thanks for logging a ticket on the RustEZ Website 🙂

    Wow that's quite the collection of issues!

    • Low-Grade Missing from Miners Hat
      This has been an ongoing issue with Rust for quite some time. Unfortunately, the Miners Hat just won't play nice with larger-than-normal stack sizes and occasionally eats extra fuel placed in your hat. This bug has been flagged with Facepunch on numerous occasions but doesn't seem to get much traction.
    • Low-Grade Missing from backpack
      • Does it disappear only whilst you are offline?
      • Are all stacks of Low-Grade removed? or only one?
      • Does anything else disappear?
    • Low-Grade Missing from pipes
      This can happen occasionally depending on whether an update to the Quarry/Pumpjack storage adapters has been pushed to the servers by Death. Typically all Low-Grade inside Quarries and attached containers are removed in this instance.
    • Playing with a large team
      Is it possible that one of the other team members is taking the Low-Grade from the containers? Perhaps try putting a codelock on the container and see whether this is a potential fix.
    • Losing Scrap at Bandit Camp
      We have a custom plugin that prevents players from purchasing oversized stacks of items at vendors. Typically your inventory will be filled to the max with the item you've purchased, and your scrap will remain in your inventory. This is a relatively recent addition to the servers and is going through continuing development. Let us know if you continue to encounter this issue.
    • Signs & Boxes losing skins
      There is currently an issue with signs on the server - where it can only hold a certain number of signs in the server save file, and when the server restarts and reloads the save file it sets the 'unsaved' signs back to blank. It works on a "first come, first serve" basis with sign entities of smaller Identifier numbers being prioritised.

      Rust has a long-standing glitch with boxes losing their skins (or sometimes changing into skins that you don't own) when you teleport into your base from another location. This is typically resolved by moving away from your base for ~30 seconds and then returning to your base.

    I hope that helps - let us know if there's anything else we can do!

    • Squog
    [AU] Survival Head Admin

  2. Hi @DolliPop,

    Thanks for engaging with the EZ bug report system. Your input is appreciated.

    Can you expand on the current electricity setup in your base?:

    • How many outputs of the Test Generator are used?
    • How much power does each of the outputs on the Test Generator say they are producing?
    • Have you tried directly connecting an output from the Test Generator to the  Car Lift?
    • What troubleshooting steps have you already taken?

    Let us know how you go with the above.

  3. Hi Rohan,

    I've seen this behaviour on [AU] Survival and the primary contributing factor was that the player who originally placed the code-lock on the vehicle is not the same player who is reporting they are unable to access the driver seat.

    The underlying chassis appears to retain which player placed a code-lock on it and prevents others from accessing the vehicle.

    • Like 1
  4. Hi SHANE,

    Thanks for logging a bug report on this matter.

    Can you please try the following steps:

    1. Quit Rust (if it's open)
    2. Open your Steam Library
    3. Right-Click on Rust on the left edge
    4. Select Manage > Browse Local Files
      (this should open a File Explorer window of your Rust folder)
    5. Alt-Tab back to your Steam Library
    6. Right-Click on Rust on the left edge
    7. Select Manage > Uninstall
    8. Click the Uninstall button
    9. Alt-Tab back to the File Explorer window once the Uninstallation completes
    10. Select all files remaining in the folder by pressing Ctrl + A
    11. Then delete all files permanently by pressing Shift + Delete
    12. Re-install the game from Steam once the folder is cleared

    Let us know how you go with the above.

  5. Thanks for that info.

    Based on the information provided and the research conducted into this issue we have determined that this is likely caused by the Oxide/uMod plugin framework that is central to the way the server handles the custom plugins used by all modded servers in the cluster. We are actively working toward replacing Oxide/uMod with a much more performant and stable competitor in the near future.

    We will continue our investigation in the short-term to see whether a band-aid fix is viable.

  6. Hi Posty,

    Thanks for logging a bug request.

    Can you advise on the below:

    1. Does this issue occur when both dragging the blue droplet and also pressing the green "take" button when interacting with a deployable water barrel/catcher?
    2. Do you use an anti-virus software? And if so - which one?
    3. What troubleshooting steps have you already tried?
    4. Does the issue occur when playing on other servers?

    Let us know how you go with the above.

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