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Everything posted by bleaumeani

  1. Muted him on survival for 15 days for looting kaps heli without permission after being told to back off, tried to ban but ....
  2. bleaumeani

    Survival photo shoot 3

    At least I had a good tan going for this shoot, Joji still needs to move his hand though lol
  3. also now i don't have to worry about packing lmao
  4. I figured this would be the outcome since the july wipe, i'll still be around, i'm fine with this, "when forced" and long walks naked ... on the beach ... with my rock
  5. heard about a mod for a pump jack mod, like our quarries, but obviously oil .. thoughts?
  6. So FP tied your hands again until the next wipe?
  7. 1. Food stacks, mainly bear meat, not sure of others, don't stack to 10k, back to 20 2. quarry out put, seems to be down to about a 1/4 of what it was before 3. nodes single didgit, to low double didgit outputs I'll add more as i find them
  8. Take it easy man. We'll still be round when you get back I'm sure. Enjoy your time off
  9. Someone once said " I love taking long walks on the beach ... naked ... with a rock" lol
  10. U tried, and thanx for that
  11. i'll buy new, i support my server lol
  12. that part i kinda figured on the quarry, but metal frags, never seen it before, not the ore, actual fragments
  13. Noticed last night that there were mining nodes that would never "chip" all the way down. I found these primarily in mines and bounced back and forth from stone to the metal ore nodes, the sulfers were fine but with this going on that meant no joy for getting hiqual ore. Mine nodes in the open world seemed fine. Also others commented about ifinite cactus flesh drops. And lastly one of quarries was mining already processed metal frags? and stopped pulling out hiqual ore. Just thought i'd give a heads up.
  14. I'm not sure what was worse, the rape talk, the racial slurs, or the fact they ignored Fyres when she asked them to stop. I'm affraid she might not play that server again. The cancer jokes stopped (when I was online) after I thanked them for the one joke that popped off coming from a cancer patient (me). I'm NOT for censorship, I DO know this is a pretty raw crowd for a raw game, but if there was a way to just turn "them" off from my chat, or anyones for that matter would be nice. And Death you're right, it wouldn't take much for a group to abuse it, thusly the reason to turn them off. anyway Thanx for the comments. Don't get rekt, Rip lata
  15. Is there way to mute someone in chat? Listening to the pubesant talk about rape culture and how fun it is, and ignoring our female players when asked to stop is pretty annoying to the point of wanting to leave
  16. https://rust.facepunch.com/blog/ 169 is where i found out
  17. way kewl, hope it works, and more than i was expecting. again ur genius shining thru
  18. so whatever is in backpack, inventory, and hotbar will carry over?
  19. i shouldn't bitch, i see some servers listed with bi-monthy, hell i saw one that was twice in one week wipes. aaaannndddd i understand for progress to progress things need to changed/fixed ect.ect. Just really territorial about what i've already built and hasn't even been a month lol
  20. and just realized where i put this sorry, i'll be more forthright and pay more attention on where i post next time, apologies
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