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Suggestion to change the item required to remove buildings


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The salvaged hammer is the current item needed to remove buildings. But if you don't have this item, you can't remove buildings without a lot of time and a lot of resources, which can be a pain if you want to do or build something but the building that you can't remove is blocking you.

The salvaged hammer can be hard to get, as it is solely based off RNG. I suggest changing this to an item that is easily accessible, and craftable whenever you need it. A torch would be good for this reason, since it is easily crafted, and you spawn with it. If not a torch, then please change this to another easily accessible item.

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Salvaged hammers, once one is found, typically go up for sale at player's vending machines very quickly. As people move forward in a wipe,  they will often let you use one to do a task, and at the end of wipe they are all but being given away.  

Check vending machines or ask in chat who's selling one. Be patient, and you'll obtain one.

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You also have the ability to remove your built structures for 10 minutes using a normal hammer, so if you make a mistake (even if your structures are upgraded) you can easily fix the mistake using a normal hammer. For the most part you won't need a Salvaged hammer until you want to make changes to your existing base design, or move items around that you normally can't pick up using a normal hammer (such as Workbenches).

After 10 minutes, a Salvaged hammer will be required unless you want to use a Jackhammer or Explosives to remove structures. The Salvaged hammer is a great item to use for this purpose, and as it doesn't have much of a use or purpose in vanilla rust, it only costs 75 scrap to research, and only costs 1 metal pipe (these are easy to find) and 50 metal fragments to craft. It's understandable that they can be difficult to find while looting, but as Granny previously stated, you can find them commonly being sold at other players' vending machines.

Although perhaps Death could add Salvaged hammers to the RustEZ store for purchase as an extra way to obtain one, especially for use during the beginning of a server wipe.

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