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Remove Quarries From Scourge

Dicko A La Mode

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Remove Quarries from Scourge please.  There are several reasons that they do not belong.

Quarries do not fit the aesthetics of Scourge.  Scourge means suffering, the appeal of the server is a desolate waste land full of zombies that you have to deal with while surviving.  To me suffering is not living in a mansion of a base with an item just pumping very critical materials out of the ground at massive rates.  There is no more grind to survive within this wasteland.  

The amount of resources one can gain from quarries is obscene and pretty much turns the server into a build server.  This will ultimately attribute to a decline in player retention as there is no reason to stay for a full wipe cycle other than logging into empty their quarry.  I understand some people don't have time to farm all day but that simply means they need to build within their means.  A stone 3x3 combined with the modded small salvage shelves offer more than enough space at a extremely cheap upkeep cost.  If someone wants to build a massive compound or tower then they need to work for it and continue to work to support their upkeep.

There are a lot of added side effects of the quarries.  Spend some time on US Scourge reading chat, interacting with players and their habits with the quarries.  People are running way more furnaces than normal, some are running over 30 fires/bbqs/refineries just to generate charcoal to use up their boxes of sulfur.  Materials are basically worthless at this point.  If a new player comes across someone with a quarry they are usually given a row of stone to start out.  I understand we don't have kits but just asking for mats and getting 60k stone instantly is basically a build server kit.

Quarries are also rendering the black market as a joke at this point.  The amount of material people can sell gives them more credits than they know what to do with.  The beginning of May's wipe will be really fun with 15 personal attack heli's constantly on the map.

Please put some thought into the effects these have this server and really weight the pro's and con's to decide if it is appropriate to continue with them.


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I am aware of their impact on the economy and am working to balance them. The goal wasn't to replace farming, but to add an alternative means. As of right now, quarries are default rates which was intentional to have a base to start with.

Having no quarries has just as much drawbacks as having them. Players fighting over public quarries, theft, shortage of nodes and a non-existent lowgrade demand. Going forward, quarries outputs will be nerfed and take damage during operation, which will be repaired if in range of a TC.

If I am unable to balance quarries satisfactory I will consider removing them. For now, they're an outlet to expand the functionality of the game and give players something to invest their stockpile of resources and components on.

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lotta harsh critics on the scourge server tonight about the recent rework causing quarries to decay when in use
honestly after hating on the new rework but then taking a step back and thinking about it - the server was better off without quarries

it's one of those things where if you give players too much power they hate to give it up - they were rediculously broken when they could be level 10 as most of my small boxes in my base are crammed full of stone / ores at this point and I still have lots of LGF to use

Edited by Shockingly_Evil
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I think every player wants to play a game Different.. No one is making people use quarries. if a person likes to have all those mats, I say let them. Dicko if you don't like them just don't use them. I play on this server for the people not the survival aspect. This is only my opinion IN NO WAY should this sound mean or condesending. Hard to express emotion in text. I for one like the quarries, and I fell that they decay now and the AMMOUNT you have to pay to fix them is a little HARSH.  Like i stated before the PEOPLE are what holds me here not the quarries.. Not the Survivabiliy .. it is the Community.. Rock on All of you..


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I somewhat agree with removing them. I like the idea of being able to have a quarry but they are obviously broken ATM. If not removed then maybe cap the output and cap the number that a player can have active. I personally do not think that quarries should be your main source of materials. I think that if quarries stay that they should supplement the amount of mats you can get through regular farming and not replace farming entirely.


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On 4/10/2020 at 3:57 AM, Virgoth said:

I think every player wants to play a game Different.. No one is making people use quarries. if a person likes to have all those mats, I say let them. Dicko if you don't like them just don't use them. I play on this server for the people not the survival aspect. This is only my opinion IN NO WAY should this sound mean or condesending. Hard to express emotion in text. I for one like the quarries, and I fell that they decay now and the AMMOUNT you have to pay to fix them is a little HARSH.  Like i stated before the PEOPLE are what holds me here not the quarries.. Not the Survivabiliy .. it is the Community.. Rock on All of you..


Not only that but FacePunch already broke the "Performing Analysis".

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