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It would be great if there were an item used like a box where you could split off items equally (Like a splitter for electrical). Maybe a whole system for Jpipe connectors. The game Satisfactory has these and they allow a ton of functionality. I'm trying to have it where 2 level 5 pump jacks can output to one box and then equally split the crude to multiple refineries. Then, have those dump back into one box inside my base. I have all of it setup and worked out with the exception that the refineries are not getting the crude properly. It seems like it only flows to 1 of them instead of all of them.

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Actually, splitters already exist in the game! This isn't really known very well but furnaces are perfect splitters ^-^

Here's how it works: have a pipe go to a small or large furnace and change the # of stacks you want to split into and turn stack splitting ON. If you want, upgrade the pipe to add a filter!

When the items reach the furnace they will be split. Now the key past this point is depending on when you MAKE the JPipe to the next component (or when you turn it from OFF to ON) will determine how the items get pulled out of the furnace (Details below).

From there, your items can be split into any number of refineries/quarries/storage/whatever of your choosing! You can even have a splitter go to more splitters to reduce the stack size if needed!

I hope this helps 😃

Technical details:

Pipe transfer rate is 15s. When you switch ON (or connect) the first JPipe to the splitter you have a 15s window with which to add the rest of your pipes to take from that stack. If you want a certain item (or certain amount) to go to a specific place before the rest of the stack make sure it was turned on as close in time as the first pipe that you made to the splitter! (IE. Turn on the pipe to the splitter, and then the priority pipe right after!)

Depending on the pipe tier and the furnace size splitting will be different. For example: splitting a twig pipe into a small furnace in 3 stacks will give you 5 items in 3 slots, but a wood pipe into a large furnace with a 5-split would give you 30 in each slot (etc, etc.). Again, these splitters can be fed into other splitters which will allow you to customize any amount of items that you wish to transfer!

Feel free to reach out to me on discord at DragonCoffee#9172 if you want/need more info on how this works as I would be more than happy to help!

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