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Nigga is not racist N*gger is, unban me...

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Sorry, I'm not staff. But I will repeat something to you that Staff does stand by and we've heard a thousand times before.

If a term is used derogatorily or has negative connotation, we do not allow the use of it. It doesn't matter if a gay man wants to call someone else gay, the term is still frowned upon. Part of the reason both uses of the N word, and not just the hard R is on the language filter is so people don't try to bypass the filter and be racist.

A staff member will be here soon to sort out your ban. I just wanted to help you understand why this has happened the way it has. If you are unbanned, please be more cautious of your use of terms like that.

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Thank you, @SKUDRUNNER. Well put.

Shadow, the ban remains in place. It will expire in about two hours and a few minutes.  I encourage you to rethink the language moving forward.
Racism in any form is not taken lightly any where in RustEZ.

While I understand how it's sometimes seen as a cultural colloquialism, the fact is, it's something that is audience specific.
You want to talk that way with friends outside of RustEZ? Go for it... but not here.

We'll see you back in game in about two hours. 


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  • Death changed the title to Nigga is not racist N*gger is, unban me...

So the line is drawn between typing nigga and the one with the strong R.

From this post and my own it seems that the context and intent in using these both words dont matter, and also saying that nigga isnt racist but the other word is, only strengthens your case. They essentially mean the same thing but obviously the one with hard r is more offensive but in the end theyre both racist things to say.  

Im not replying to this to get unbanned but seeing contradiction and hypocrisy tilts me a bit.




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  • Staff

@Icetax"nigga" is often misused as a form of greeting and is culturally appropriated. While I agree, both are equally racist. Most do not see it that way. Context is also very important. If it were used in a derogatory manner, they'd also be permanently banned.

Since these bans are automatic, we're a bit more selective with which words are permanent bans to give those who misuse them a chance to correct their behavior. Hard R is rarely used in a manner other than to be racist and derogatory.

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@Death The problem that i have is that in one case racism is not tolerated and in 2nd case racism isnt taken slightly. 

In my case and context and intent, i did not direct the n word to anyone, and in my point of view it wasnt derogatory or anything except it just being the n word.

It mightve been a stupid edgy joke only to me but it is obviously not for me to decide what is just a joke and what is racist thing to write on a note in the server.

Im gonna be 100% honest, that being a little edge lord that i am, i wouldve typed the n word, and gotten banned, sooner or later but i would argue the point of getting the perma ban or temp ban for what i did. If i had typed "the key of "nigga's" dream" on a note instead of nword's dream i wouldve gotten a temp suspension instead of a perma and i wouldve learned the same lesson with less consequences. Therefore context in my case doesnt matter, since it was only the word i used that defined the lenght of my suspension.


I want to be clear that i never intended to be racist but im not gonna argue the rules of the server since im not in the positsion to do so.


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