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Keep Tunnel Transportation System


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This is for [US] Scourge PvE only.

Hello, I would like to start this by saying this is NOT an Official Update that will be happening but rather one being spoke of.


It was stated possibly removing Tunnels in order to bring back Horses and Boats. While we understand having those things helps users who cannot fly, Having the tunnel system gives great Advantages and pros rather than cons. With the Tunnel System we have the Ability to be able to gain loot faster, Transportation through the entire map, Fun for groups or even Solo.

Many different users Across the PvE server give rides via Land or Air to users who are unable to control the Helicopters within the server and have no problem helping someone in need. 

We ask that you consider what the Tunnel removal impacts as far as things to do outside of Oil or Cargo and consider Supporting the Forum.

While I understand this wasn't official, It is smart to give our opinions while we have a chance rather than when it's too late and already in place. 

To show your support please Like the Forum and Commenting doesn't hurt!

Thank you all for taking the time to read this. Hope to see you around the server.


| This is NOT an Official Update |

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