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Pure Server Changes


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  • Staff

Our Pure servers have been moved to modded. Nothing in terms of gameplay will change for these servers, only where they're located on the browser. With this move we can better adapt the server to accommodate PvE without the restrictive nature of community server guidelines.

This change comes from no longer being allowed to modify/fix the native PvE system. For now Pure will be found under the modded tab until hopefully the native PvE system is fixed and improved by Facepunch.

In the mean time we'll utilize the benefit of modded to implement more QoL updates that improve the PvE experience, while not introducing game changing mods found on our modded servers. Pure will remain Vanilla despite being under the modded tab.

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" hopefully the native PvE system is fixed and improved by Facepunch."

Facepunch really needs to fix this, having scientists reflect damage when you shoot at them, or when you accidently shoot your walls or windows from a heli tower. It insta kills you lol It's the reason why most PvE servers dont modify the default pve server convar as it's not easy to turn it off.

P.S. I am talking about the native PvE feature not pure server specificly

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