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I got banned after not even setting off all 40 of my fireworks, i was told to kill fireworks cause of lag (i didnt realize it would lag server) so i killed them, then with no warning, an admin showed up and said i had 3min and was getting a 3day ban, i argued my case saying it wasnt intentional, i truly didnt realize it would lag server, i didnt know that few fireworks would lag server. but they did not care and said im still getting banned

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Offender:  ImRecluse|Twitch  ( battlemetrics )  (SteamID )
Server:  US Scourge
Time:  9:43 AM CST
Length:  3 days
Reason:  intentionally lagging the server
More Info (Optional):  despite players requesting they stop, the player only began picking up the fireworks once they had all run out...  not before.  3-days is long enough for the player to reflect on their behavior.  Also, i gave them a 3 minutes to load their Tool Cupboard so their base would be safe before i enacted the 3-day ban.




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fine, i will drop it to a 1-day ban...  you can return in 24 hours.   But never ever ever do that again.  It lags the server.  And my changing it from 3 days to 1 day is only because you are kind of new to the server.  Fairly certain you have been online when other players have done the same thing and managed to get away with it because no admin was on to stop it. 

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