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RollBack Message


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We must have had another rollBack last night. cause LGF is gone and my pump jack is not running. How would i know that unless i panic check everything and ask in chat did everyone get fucked again?   It would be nice when you login if we have a rollback a message. so you can just get that unpleasant out of the way and move on instead of asking chat the same fucking question everyone is going to be asking. Shit happens i understand but some transparency is a good thing.


Edited by Sarne.net
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  • Staff

I understand the frustration I have been in that situation myself while playing.
In 99% of cases the servers will restart themselves as an automated process, having a system in place to determine if there was a roll back and time lost would require the automated process to check multiple conditions. Sometimes resources are better spent identifying and rectifying the cause instead of creating something new, in saying that if the rollback is significant there has been an announcement posted to our discord server.

Thanks for your feedback, as with all situations like this we continue to monitor our servers and will refer back to feedback and suggestions to implement better ways or new features.

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