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Learn all button for work benches

Can I pretty pretty please get some Grinch skins added for Christmas 

Apache has one signal per player, Can that be done with Bradleys too. Also, can signal limits for Admin be raised for Apaches?

Are we able to make items public on the pure servers now that there’s the added protections? For example furnaces at a community center

Price increase for samsites in /shop, they currently cost $76 whereas outpost sells them for 500 scrap and players are buying them just to recycle for the 25 hqm per, 1 team have produced 100k hqm this way

Add access to Elysium to perks for subscriber on website

 Please remove workbenches from /shop so players do not have such a fast start again next wipe. Or maybe at least increase price where it would be ridiculous to sell them for scrap, where player would consider not even buying it, maybe like 100k for tier 3.   (edited)

Suggestion: Incentivise players to kill specific animals that are spamming BM with navmesh errors. The more the spam the higher the reward

Request for second wheel at Bandit by multiple players

Just gonna slide in a little request to be able to craft while invisible while we're all here 

Can there be added that once you take horse off hitch it is permanently locked to you and your team so we stop having issues with horse theft? Same as with cars and lifts.

can we make it so esc closes the new black market?

Can we have the supply drop marker for the excavator removed from the map now it is instanced? To avoid any confusion. Thanks

Could we get 'define credits' changed to 'define networth'?

Could a description maybe be added in the store on the pumpjacks, that when picked up they look like a stash? Had a player just now almost despawn it and wondered where his pumpjack went

there a way to have an in chat announcement for summoned Bradleys, like we have for summoned patrol helis? A player asked, and I genuinely have no clue.

Can we have a dedicated Christmas radio station for December wipe?

There's no recent publicly available info on NPC garrisons that I can see. An FAQ topic would be cool to send new players to for reference on what it is, how to find it, and when it spawns/despawns

Can we make refineries upgradable like we did pumpjacks and quarries  this may reduce the amount of them in the players bases if they can get the same output just with less of them taking up space.

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Modular car supply drops sold in the store

Ran across this plugin while trying to find something similar to the minishelves that the players and I miss terribly. If it saves you having to reinvent the minishelf wheel it might be worth looking into. Recently updated as well

Could we possibly get the plugin that allows you to code lock refineries, pumpjacks, and furnaces? It would certainly cut down on tc usage. Plus, it would keep others from accessing what isn't theirs.

Update #announcements to reflect/include some information regarding some of the issues the modded servers have been experiencing (i.e. why VIP or backpack isn’t working)

Could we get a reduction of lgf in bandit bought mini heli (currently 2k lgf for 750scrap) to a smaller amount, enough to fly it out, land and hammer up.

For the off-shore builders, to alleviate having to run water lines to shore, would it be possible to adjust the large water catchers to be able to be placed on to large enough builds and or to make water pumps placeable underwater on sea bed or onto player build that are just below water line?

can we get an extension of time to dead bodies and backpacks before they despawn and/or make them instanced almost so that no one else can access them. IDK if its able to happen

Any possible way to add a thing such as fishing level on Scourge? Make it so you can level your fishing level to gain better rewards out of it.

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