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Banned by server for language

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So I just want to start off by saying I would never be disrespectful towards anyone and that this ban had nothing to do with that. I have an inside joke with my buddy that plays on RustEZ Pure with me,  where we would write notes and leave it on each others body so when they log in they would see it in their inventory. I didn't know that I would get banned for what i put in the note. I had no problems with anyone in this server nor would I want to start anything. It was never meant to harm anyone, I wouldn't have done it if i knew it was enough to get banned it was simply an inside joke between me and my buddy. I hope to continue playing on this server as I really enjoy my time on there and I apologize for the offense.

Thank you,

- Nxnv


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  • Staff

Thank you @Nxnv for appealing.

We do not lift bans for language which has only one meaning, that being purposefully racist or severely derogatory. 

While we do understand that this language permeates music, comedy, movies, and other media, it is something we do not feel is appropriate to have in our servers.

Pejorative terms and derogatory words such as what were used on your account, are not welcome in any context. This includes in global chat, on signs, and written on notes or sleeping bags.

The ban will not be lifted.

Happy Holidays.
I wish you all the best in your future gaming endeavors.

- Northstarz

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