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The role of quarries in a purer Pure


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It strikes me that there is virtually no reason for people to use the quarry monuments (exluding pumpjacks) on Pure.

The stand-alone quarries give roughly half the resources per diesel as Giant Excavator. Experienced players know this, even if newer players might not. Essentially, they only get used by mistake or by accident. I've seen players inquire about them, only to get discouraged when they realize they might as well despawn half their diesel and run Giant Excavator with the remainder. I myself would gladly let my diesel sit in my tool cupboard until force wipe rather than take the chance of using it on a Quarry, in case I get the fever to build a boat base or scrappy hangar in the eleventh hour. I'd wager that in wipes since instancing was removed from Pure servers, their activity has more than drastically decreased and is likely currently near zero.

I propose that either:

  1. Stone, Sulfur, and HQM Quarries are buffed to a closer match with GE. Doubling the rates would still give Giant Excavator an edge with regards to metal fragments, while making it even with respect to sulfur and high quality metal ores. This will relieve much of the pressure and crowding around Giant Excavator and hopefully lead to less theft and less confrontations between players and admins. It will also promote versatility in builds, as sometimes you just want to build with HQM and that was a significant part of the charm of the old Pure. I would greatly prefer this outcome.
  2. The quarries are removed from the maps going forward. I don't like this option, but if the first one isn't feasible (e.g. it requires a plugin) or is considered incompatible with the new purer Pure philosophy, there really isn't a reason for the quarries to be on Pure maps. They may be small monuments, but there are three of them and they are used rarely or never; worse, there is no logical reason to do so. Even if something like Underwater Labs is rarely seeing player engagement, it's conceivable that it might; not so for the quarries. On the rare occasion they are used, it's followed by regret and chagrin once the player discovers they wasted half of their hard-earned diesel.

This is just meant to be food for thought. In general, I am in favor of the recent changes to Pure. It's what I was looking for when I stumbled upon RustEZ in the first place. Especially with regards to relieving the competition for Giant Excavator on the more populated Pure servers, not to mention affording greater versatility for building (and destroying), I believe the first proposal would be an easy to implement and significant improvement to the Pure experience.

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with the servers being updated to purer than pure this month I presumed the non instanced quarries had been taken off line as they wont let me stick in some low grade into them to get a bit of a resource boost.  But by your post it would suggest that sticking in a few barrels of diesel will get the old birds working 🤔

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  • Staff
6 hours ago, Vorlon said:

with the servers being updated to purer than pure this month I presumed the non instanced quarries had been taken off line as they wont let me stick in some low grade into them to get a bit of a resource boost.  But by your post it would suggest that sticking in a few barrels of diesel will get the old birds working 🤔

The quarries and pumpjacks running diesel was a facepunch change in december of 2022, so without the lgf plugin that's allowed it to stay the old way, yes everything can be fired up with some diesel! 🙂

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