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Networth on server events


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What do people think about the ability to buy server events, like the ones found on the online store, for networth? E.g. mass gift, pookie raid, air raid etc.

That way people can support their community and spend some of that networth that just gets endlessly amassed.

Now I understand that this may seem like it would reduce server income but a lot of people are basically just buying networth from the store anyway. If you buy a level 10 pumpjack, you're basically buying networth for cash, it's not like your flying around so much you need 170k low grade a day.

It could be worth a trial just to see if it increases server enjoyment without affecting the server income (and I do understand the importance of that, that's why I subscribe).

The cost could be high enough to limit the amount of server events that people would/could buy. There could also be a cap on events per day.

Just a thought bubble, or perhaps a brain-fart, to be determined..

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