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Banned [EU] Pure ryanbuttlord // SophieRain ban date:2024 19:28

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I sincerly apoligise for my actions and fuck ups i know i did multiple stuff including theft greifing and voice trolling but ive had a re read of the rules numerous times and come to the conclusion to submit a appeal verbal sorry to fly for verbal abuse and the other server admins that made there jobs hard

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  • Staff

Hello @ErontizzReal, thank you for taking the time to submit an appeal.

 After bans like this it usually involves at minimum a significant time away from the server for the player to mature and reform. 4 Weeks  do not seem eough time to mature, i feel.  you were aproached multiple times by different admins on different servers , you were told the rules more then once, pointed towards /rules, asked to familiarize yourself with them and still harassed a player on another Ez server. your name was found on a box of another player inside an enclosed base, acessible through a windowjump after i personally had a talk with you. you apologized and promised to not check other players belongings/bodys/bases. so i have to assume you give away promises and apologies lightheartetly.

I'm very sorry this outcome is not what you were hoping for. We do not make these decisions lightly and hope this will be a learning experience moving forward.

At this time I'm not willing to expose our player base to a repeat of chaos and harassment you brought to our servers.

The ban will not be lifted at this point in time.

- Fly of [EU] Pure

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