So calling a troll a coward is "disrespect"? yeah I've pushed the limits but I've always talked to the people I've fucked with and made amends. i would still like some screen shots or actual proof.
this kid was telling everyone to tp during a pretty popular event and was declining everyone. hence the coward. hell if you cant call someone a coward then what can you say?
"hey stinky head stop being a dum dum"
and after i got unmuted i said "eat my ass with respect of course" so how in gods name is that disrespect when i literally said with respect.
i like Mcdon and was cool with him till he became so authoritarian telling me coward is "disrespectful".
And even before that teleporting me away from events to the snow for being goofy with a jackhammer twice so i missed the events.
Or bwk heli attacking that RF tower in may and getting not even a warning, then becoming an admin like a month later
nice to know where the line is
throw a dozen or two helis at a player base, no problem, wanna be admin?
yall need to control or at LEAST supervise new admins.
I love this server as its literally the only one I've played for almost 4 years so one can say im salty about it.
Hell, no one even came to talk to me AT ALL about what was goin on they just banned me. no pop up warning no nothing.