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Clint Westwood

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Everything posted by Clint Westwood

  1. Hello, i Clint Westwood was banned some time ago and wish to inquire about perhaps an unban? i have learned from my unjust actions and ways and will gauge each situation with players more harshly, I vow to stop being such a HUGE asshat and only maybe do it a little all determinate on situation. i still love this server and i miss the community and friends i made on there. Thank you -Clont
  2. i need my fix. unban me and ill be the best boy ever. I wont talk any shit to anyone ever, i just miss the community. i just need my rust fix
  3. who insulted the player running the event? i gave away 3 of the pumps i won? i never called anyone anything? What? i said the situation was retarded. please god stop lying. don't unban me i don't care i wouldn't come back after all the shit ive heard from past admins said about players. you're fabricating everything you're saying. you were no where around when any of this happened and cant grasp the context.
  4. you keep saying player disrespect like it actually was player disrespect, noone tried to talk to me at all for context. so keep being wrong and ignoring the blatant admin abuse that was displayed to me
  5. So what in that demands a ban? Saying coward?. cause ive been called worse on the server. Also you wana comment on the anything i posted there? idk im kinda retarded
  6. So calling a troll a coward is "disrespect"? yeah I've pushed the limits but I've always talked to the people I've fucked with and made amends. i would still like some screen shots or actual proof. this kid was telling everyone to tp during a pretty popular event and was declining everyone. hence the coward. hell if you cant call someone a coward then what can you say? "hey stinky head stop being a dum dum" and after i got unmuted i said "eat my ass with respect of course" so how in gods name is that disrespect when i literally said with respect. i like Mcdon and was cool with him till he became so authoritarian telling me coward is "disrespectful". And even before that teleporting me away from events to the snow for being goofy with a jackhammer twice so i missed the events. Or bwk heli attacking that RF tower in may and getting not even a warning, then becoming an admin like a month later nice to know where the line is throw a dozen or two helis at a player base, no problem, wanna be admin? yall need to control or at LEAST supervise new admins. I love this server as its literally the only one I've played for almost 4 years so one can say im salty about it. Hell, no one even came to talk to me AT ALL about what was goin on they just banned me. no pop up warning no nothing.
  7. screenshots? evidence?
  8. why did i get banned? actually though
  9. *logs into another account*

  10. All of that is Cap ive never griefed anyone besides throwing smokes as a joke, and i stopped calling coward after the mute. Would have been cool if someone actually came and talked to me.
  11. I was under the impression from death it was fine to say it as long as its not calling others that word.
  12. Hate to see it after 4 years. later nerds

  13. Logged in yesterday, did my dailies and such, sold all my HQM and went to put it in my scrap chest in my room (that has a different code than the rest of my base) and all 4 boxes were gone along with my scrap, M2s and L9s. Meatvirus tried his best to help but with no other admins on he couldn't get help or find out who accessed my room. I would have gone through Discord but i'm banned from there for ???????? Reason. Any help would be awesome cause that was 18 days of saving scrap. My base is AB23 All black shipping cont. Thanks
  14. Been banned from the discord and banned from applying for admin. 

    you hate to see it

  15. i hate to see it bro, we've always had a good time and sad to see a long time player being done like this.
  16. imagine having common sense
  17. why when i get banned do i want to play again 

    oh sweet sorrow 

  18. "Almost everybody is born a genius and buried an idiot." -Bukowski
  19. Someone said Home "And I said You like to see homos naked?" (A quote from joe dirt as we were talking about it) Wasn't harassing anyone. Also got some clowns for mods.
  20. i vote to ban
  21. Nope sorry its already been decided
  22. Glad to be chosen to be the first admin chosen for this chill experience
  23. Myself and kov had told her that we were joking and we were indeed joking. Feel free to ask kov or post his responses aswell. And that dumbass was to a guy banned for racism trying to join back.
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