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Everything posted by Celsus

  1. This dramatically improved my gaming. I think the Windows changes had the biggest impact. Rust hasn't crashed once since I made the changes recommended in the video, and it used to crash a few times per day. Performance is also up. Thanks for posting this.
  2. I wasn't going to mention this because it seems ridiculous. But after now four wipes, I've confirmed it's true. If you're familiar with crossbreeding plants, you know that there is a center, sacrificial clone that is overwritten by the others, a near-perfect clone (all green) in which two are planted in the corners, and the two donor clones in the remaining corners that are intended to push unwanted genes from the near perfects when they all imprint onto the sacrificial. Here's the strange part that I have now confirmed: If you place your near perfect pair of clones in the corners along the SOUTH side of the planter, you drastically increase the chance that your cloning will succeed and not merely result in the sacrificial taking on the same genome as the near perfect ones. It has been said that there is a 50% chance of any crossbreeding to be successful. That turns out to be gameable. So when you plant your clones, put the sacrifice in the middle, and when it is about to enter crossbreed stage, place your near perfect clones in the two corners that are on the Southern side of the planter, and your two donor clones in the remaining corners along the Northern side. This will results in about 90% of the planters you use taking the desired genome. Incidentally, it is also a good practice to put your grow lights on a switch. This gives a few advantages. One is that if you begin your crossbreeding from seeds in the morning (or have Industrial Lights which do not provide growing light) and your plant lights switched off, you can take your time looking for the near perfect and donors, and then one-hit the plants that are not needed to get rid of them. More importantly, you can pause the growth cycle at any point* just by turning your grow lights off. I mention this because once your sacrificial clones are nearing crossbreed stage, you can turn off the grow lights and take your time arranging the near perfect and donor clones in the planters, then simply switch on the grow lights again to complete the crossbreeding process. *It's also worth mentioning that there is an exception to growth being halted with lights off. Once the plants have entered crossbreeding stage, they will quickly move on to mature stage even with the lights off. So once your sacrificials have all entered crossbreed stage, you can turn off the lights again and hatchet out the near perfects and donors when they are still young and while the center ones enter mature stage. Then harvest the few center ones that didn't take and clone all the winners. If you want to learn more about crossbreeding, I have written a Steam guide a few years ago that is still relevant. Although the process described is the slow method, there is a quicker method described at the end of the document which is the one I use now. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2376541302 Happy farming!
  3. Celsus

    New Server

    What was the point of the poll?
  4. This destroyer was made by a moderator on US Survival, not me. I wish I knew who made it to include the details here. But I've heard they are US Navy, which explains the stunning amount of detail. Well done!
  5. Of the three servers, Pure consistently runs the smoothest all wipe. The one that runs least well is the only one with upkeep enabled. Scourge has huge builds, both in size and number. In many areas, within only a few days or a week at most after wipe, the only way to get around in many areas is to look at the ground while walking. With zombies present. Upkeep will not improve Pure if it is meant to give players pause when considering how large or complex to make their base. I gauge a server's performance not by lag spikes, but by how long it takes for the 'flash' to appear on a node when I approach it. If the flash is present when I get there, server is running well. If it takes a few seconds to appear, it's still fine, and this is common late into the wipe. But regularly on Scourge, there are so many immense builds that even in rather remote areas it can take ten or even fifteen seconds for that flash to appear. So I think the justification for adding upkeep that many respondents to this thread offer as their reason for a yes vote will not be realized.
  6. I should add that you need to throw excess wood onto the ground so you have only one stack of 499 and no other short stacks. Then when you've cut down the tree, pick up what you threw on the ground again and add to it to make up the next 499 stack.
  7. Not sure if players of Pure (it only works on servers without large stack sizes) know about this, so I'm going to share it. When you use Pure Wood Tea, you get 3,000 wood from a tree you would usually get 1,000 wood from. Such trees are the grey ones that look like elephant legs (pictured below) and the tall dead-looking trees. This fills your inventory up fairly quickly. If your base is any distance from a forested area, you can make a few trips while the Pure Wood Tea lasts, especially if you use a vehicle or minicopter. I discovered a way to make my inventory hold more wood before I need to return to base to empty it and go for another trip. Before I start swinging at the tree, I instead hit a fallen log a few times until I have just under 500 wood. This is important because if there is a stack with 500 wood, there will still be a stack with 500 wood after you fell the tree. But if you take one wood from the stack (so 499) instead of getting three stacks of 1,000, you get two of 1,000 and one of 1,499. And these larger stacks go into a large chest while maintaining their quantity. So if you first make sure to have one stack with 499 (or less, up to you) of wood, you can increase the amount of wood you take back to base each trip by a few thousand per trip and squeeze a bit more wood into your large wooden chests.
  8. So based on a glance at this sub, which I should have done before bothering, it looks like reporting players is a useless endeavor. Unless you're an administrator.
  9. Large corporations will often do something that makes no sense: Lobby government to apply more regulation in their industry. This only doesn't make sense until you realize that more regulation is something a large corporation can easily deal with, and pay for, while it squeezes small and medium sized businesses out of the market entirely. It's a legal way to get around monopoly laws. Similarly, advocating for upkeep on a server when you have no issue running multiple quarries or lots of free time to mine resources for hours nets the benefit of having less competition for building spots and less lag from large structures. But it sqeezes out players with less time to gather resources and disincentivizes participation on the server. Scourge is the only server that has upkeep enabled and it is by far the most laggy of the three, and has the most large structures. Implementing upkeep on Pure doesn't seem like it would do much to reduce lag in the first place, and would only achieve a lower user participation on the server.
  10. This is a report against the two players mentioned in the title. Unloading M2 into another player (Me) when it was clear this was unwelcome. Belligerence when told it was unwelcome. Server: US Scourge. Is there a consequence for this kind of behavior?
  11. I didn't see a good place to ask this, so here it is. Death, feel free to ignore this entirely if you haven't decided or don't want to answer. The Nexus system is being worked on and may make it's apperance in a few months. It seems like it will allow server owners to connect multiple servers together via a ferry terminal system that players can board, pay a fare and arrive at the connected server. The ability to bring vehicles onto the ferry seems a likely feature. But for server owners as concerned with balance as Death clearly is, I wonder how, or if the system will be implemented at all on RustEZ servers. Specifically, it seems like it would allow someone to start on one server, fill their inventory and the storage modules on a vehicle with materials, and go to another server with a giant head-start. Are there any preliminary thoughts about how or if this system will be implemented? It is almost certain to be an opt-in feature. Curiously yours; Celsus. This video is a year old and is of a plugin that someone designed. Looks like Facepunch decided it was a good idea and is going to implement it. This is what it might look like in action.
  12. I've noticed that you don't need to be standing next to the workbench, the highest tier workbench you have allows you to craft anywhere you are in sight of the bench. So I have mine installed where I can see it anywhere on the floor where I store my materials. But having it work anywhere in the base would be great.
  13. This might be a bit of a strange thing to do, but whatever. ¯\ (ツ)/¯ I have an all-wood farm base to give away on US Scourge. It's a turn-key operation with 128 large planters, and all lighting, pumps, sprinklers and heaters installed. It is powered by solar and has 8 large batteries to provide power. There is an industrial conveyor hooked to the tool cupboard and a large box nearby that contains enough wood for the rest of the wipe (11 days at this point) You plant your clones (a perfect hemp clone is included), then flip the three switches, and in about two hours, come back to a full crop with maximum yield. The base has four floors with 32 large planters per floor. So planting the first floor with clones (288 clones) then taking them as clones makes the perfect amount for the full base (1152 clones). The yield for the full setup is 80,640 cloth per crop cycle (which is about 10,483 net worth when sold to the shop) Here are some images: Reply to this post if you're interested. Happy farming!
  14. >Well, you'll just have to run around like an idiot and gather hundreds of plant seeds, JUST LIKE EVERY OTHER SERVER! Thanks. Thanks a lot.
  15. This is similar to an issue that I've been having intermittently. I build farm bases, and these usually have up to 200 large planter boxes. Towards the end of wipe, I sometimes find I can't interact with one or more of them. Trying to pick up the planter doesn't work, and trying to interact with the planter's inventory gives an error with a six digit item code. So this wipe (just about 20 minutes ago) I was demolishing a rather large farm base, and as usual I couldn't pick one of the planters up. This was solved by removing the foundation. I lost the planter, but don't care. Crucially though, and the reason for this reply, is that one of my Water Pumps also had this issue. I couldn't use the salvaged hammer to pick it up. The Admin for the server (Pickles) was able to remove the Water Pump, and observed that it wasn't owned by anyone. He had to use 'Admin tricks' (lol) to destroy the pump, and when he did, it gave him a message of some kind that said I had been the one who deployed it. So I'm thinking these issues are related. Your doors and my planters and pumps lost their ownership in the owner system unique to the servers, and couldn't be interacted with. But your locks were still yours, so you could remove them fine. The doors wouldn't open because they technically weren't your doors anymore. I was going to make a post about the issue in case it was an error that could be fixed. Hopefully Admin can see this and have some insight on what the issue might be. But it seems to have something to do with ownership of the deployables being lost for some reason. And it happened for the last few wipes so is likely unrelated to other issues the servers have been experiencing related to ID's being used up by the Industrial pipes system.
  16. Not sure if everyone is aware of how useful the new Industrial System is on servers where there is upkeep, like Scourge. So I thought I'd make a post about how I use the system to keep my TC stocked with materials. First, I see how much of each material type I need per 24 hours. For my current base, I can easily fit two days worth of material in the TC: I multiplied the 24 hour amount of each resource by 2 and got the exact number. In this case, it worked out to 148,156 Stones, 19,960 Wood and 2,885 Metal Fragments for 48 hours. Next, I placed three Industrial Conveyors, one for each resource type, next to the TC, and one Industrial Combiner at the top to join the outputs together. Then I placed a Storage Adaptor on the top of the TC and connected the output of each Conveyor to the Combiner, then the output of the Combiner to the input of the Storage Adaptor on the TC. Each Conveyor requires one Rust Watt of power. Unlike most electrical components, the industrial components do not themselves consume one Rust Watt just for existing in the circuit, so in this case, three Rust Watts is all it takes to power all three Conveyors. They are daisy-chained together, the electrical passthrough of each Conveyor is joined to the input of the next one in line. I placed a Storage Adaptor onto Large Storage Boxes on nearby shelving and connected the output of each to the appropriate input of the Conveyors next to my TC. As long as I keep these boxes filled with the correct resources, the Conveyor can pull from it to keep the TC stocked. Holding 'E' on the Industrial Conveyor will let you enter it's interface (it has a gear icon). At the top of the interface is a field labeled 'Item Search'. In this case, I'm adjusting the Stones Conveyor, so I typed 'Stones' in this field, then clicked on the correct resource that came up in the list, then clicked 'Add' to add that resource to the Current Items section below. I then clicked on the field labeled 'Max' and entered '148156' (two days worth of Stones) and pressed Enter. I leave the other fields empty. I then repeated this for each resource type in the other Conveyors. Once the Conveyors are switched on, and provided they continue to have at least one power, they will take resources from the Large Storage Boxes and move them to the TC until the amount in the Max field is reached. As the TC consumes the resources, the Conveyors will keep them topped up.
  17. Thanks for the advice. I was pretty sure the issue was on Facepunch's end. I appreciate the info about water level state being kept. That will change how I deal with this.
  18. I know that Wind Turbines are a contentious issue on RustEZ servers. After experimenting with them, it does seem that they introduce lag. But given that they aren't a proscribed item, and based on how some players are deploying them, I thought it would be worth pointing out how they can be used more effectively and lessen the impact on other players. I notice that some players have several Wind Turbines placed just above ground level, a few spaces away from each other. It should be understood that this is an ineffective way of generating power because the Turbines interfere with one another and dramatically reduce the power generated. Using Solar Panels would be a much better option where space is limited. For a Wind Turbine to operate at peak efficiency (producing up to 300 Rust Watts) the Turbines must be placed with a minimum of eight (8) empty foundation spaces between them. Other structures placed within this limit, if they are as high as the Turbines, will also interfere with them. They should be placed as high as possible (9-15 levels above sea level is ideal) in order to generate the most power. If your base is on a mountain, towers are unnecessary, but are useful to get the Turbine above any part of the base that could interfere with them. As long as Wind Turbines are going to be used, players can make less of an impact on others by placing them properly, and only placing a few, saving components and resources, rather than dense packing them together. I have been experimenting and have discovered that there is indeed a large lag cost when four or more of the Turbines are placed on a base. After flying away from my base to Bandit Camp and back, the lag was severe enough that I needed to be extremely careful when landing on the roof of my base to avoid crashing the minicopter. After replacing four of them with 48 Solar Panels, there was much less lag, and I was able to land without issue. TLDR: Solar Panels are preferable to Wind Turbines to reduce lag, but if you're going to use them, place only a few of them at least 8 foundations away from one another and on towers (made of wall frames) as high up as practical.
  19. I'm not sure if this is a recent Rust issue or one with the servers. But this wipe on Survival and Scourge, I notice that some water connections do not function properly. If I place Water Pumps and hook them up to Water Barrels on the roof (for example) and then activate the pumps, about a quarter to a third of the water barrels remain empty. The pumps show full. As soon as the connection is broken and reconnected, the water flows properly. It doesn't seem to happen when the pumps are activated before any connections are made.
  20. Sorry to bump, but I wanted to whine about a similar behavior. I notice on wipe day that there are players who log in and use single twig foundations with TCs to claim entire rivers, dropping them all along the riverbank on both sides. My preferred build is a farm base, and it can be infuriating on wipe day to find river after river 'claimed' by players who often leave these TCs for a week or more. Seems like they log in to Survival, drop the TCs and then play on another server or build in another area for a week, returning to build on their choice piece of land. Logging back in periodically to defeat the automated removal process. Growing up I had a sister who would watch Mom cut cakes or pies, then size up the biggest piece and lick it to ensure she got it. We cured that behavior by denying her pie or cake when she was caught doing that. This selfish twig and TC behavior seems little better than this to me. When I asked about this a year ago, I was told the player had ten days to return and build there. This has since been replaced by the above mentioned automated inactive purge process and I think a 24 hour limit. But this seems like it can be defeated simply by logging in and out, resetting the timer.
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