Hiya everyone,
My name is Jack, my ign at the mo is Greenfox. I'm a new arrival to Scourge server been here about 3 days or so, & still kinda finding my feet. Haven't worked out yet if horses are same as vehicles, & they're safe from looters & kidnappers? Please someone leme know in the comments below save me the risk of trial n error. Already lost a RIHB & 2 copters & 1200 scrap in 2-3days and funds are running low
Really likin the server so far been having a blast, meeting cool people, some crazy, and some awesome! The community is amazing you's have a real gem here! I'm a returning player after about 2 years away & thinking this is the perfect place to find my rusty legs again... having fun learning the game again... and catching up on all the updates I've missed... Damn Gary & the devs have been busy! So whats new in Rust? Still a bunch of creative geniuses, eccentrics & devious psychopaths?