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Everything posted by Greenfox

  1. This month many schools, colleges & Uni's started again so a good chunk of the player base has gone until the term break...
  2. Yup maybe I'm just an idiot
  3. @alexanightfire @Granny Oh wow so now it works ok! How? And why now!! What did you do??
  4. Ok in that case maybe I'm being a total idiot. Gona have another go now & see.
  5. @alexanightfire @Granny Hey people, thanks for having a look into this so fast. I think I've maybe found the issue and it's my side. Just by chance I was helping a mate out on another server & thought I'd try the Sign-Artist plugin there. Same issue. So I jumped around to another few servers and I get the same thing. The Sign-Artist plugin fails to register or respond to any of my input commands. The only thing it could possibly be is I'm using NvidiaGeforce NOW, a game cloud streaming service. Nvidia acts like a 'middle man' link between client and host, and I think this is causing the plugin not to receive input from my side. Which is odd because all other plugins work ok for me. I'm not a tech person though and I'm new to this Nvidia service, so maybe an admin can look at this when they have time? I'm not looking to use SignArt at all now for rest of this wipe, so no rush or worry from me
  6. @alexanightfire Hi there Alexa, Having just seen your ign here I remember now it wasn't Aurora who helped out, it was you! Thankyou! And thanks for having another crack at it. I'll log in now try your solution. If not its no problem as nearly end of wipe anyways. If SignArt's fixed in time for next wipe happy days. Sure I can find some mischief to amuse myself with in the meantime
  7. The sign art plug in doesnt work for me. I've used the plugin before & used these URLs too. The build I'm doing is a regular fave of mine. The issue goes like this; 1. I copy the URL into my clipboard using Ctrl + C or manual click Copy & Paste 2. Standing looking at my sign i type into global chat this; /sil 'http://rustygarter' 3. Using Ctrl + V to paste the URL inside quotation marks as I always have done, and nothing pastes. I'm using Imgur & tried Snaggy Uploads as well, still nothing. Both have worked fine for me before I tried typing the URL manually & nothing happens. I tried typing [RAW] after the URL and nothing happens Admin Aurora came to help out & was just as confused as me. Her SignArt worked fine on the sign I was trying. Next gona have a regular player try on my sign with my image. Perhaps Aurora was ok with Admin Privs I'll reply here as soon as I find anything new Here is the URL below, with only [ jpg ] missing from the end to prevent it uploading https://snipboard.io/dLUkVN. ( add jpg after the dot here & the image uploads from the URL link Below is an the image I'm missing the most. Its front & centre of my RP build
  8. Hiya everyone, My name is Jack, my ign at the mo is Greenfox. I'm a new arrival to Scourge server been here about 3 days or so, & still kinda finding my feet. Haven't worked out yet if horses are same as vehicles, & they're safe from looters & kidnappers? Please someone leme know in the comments below save me the risk of trial n error. Already lost a RIHB & 2 copters & 1200 scrap in 2-3days and funds are running low Really likin the server so far been having a blast, meeting cool people, some crazy, and some awesome! The community is amazing you's have a real gem here! I'm a returning player after about 2 years away & thinking this is the perfect place to find my rusty legs again... having fun learning the game again... and catching up on all the updates I've missed... Damn Gary & the devs have been busy! So whats new in Rust? Still a bunch of creative geniuses, eccentrics & devious psychopaths?
  9. Howdy Y'all, am is lookin for some place to set up home & maybe a trade. Are there any towns sprang up over this wild west theme wipe?
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