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Everything posted by LadyViper

  1. Hey all .Sorry about the spelling ok ..I use my real name on steam ..Kasumi . Tonight i log onto AU Pure to say farewell to good friends allso check out a friend base ..as I am a mega fan of the Total WAR Games an WH3 just came out .Started to play it today .Anyhow back to AU Pure ..Smash a few can .ran into a polar bear .made my way down the road got car parts .find a car repair it then .Hell pop up .Admin do have a rough time as a GL on another game it hard at time u run into all sorts .But a Admin rip into me so i log off thinking ok thats it an i log onto AU Survival an next he follow me there to carry on ripping into me say i am on THIN ICE thats it .I QUIT I will not let a Admin treat me like that on any game .As someone being funny left 4 horse an another one outside my front door no to funny .Anyhow i went onto AU Pure to say farewell then i was going to log onto the shop an do a purchase the AIrdop across the server . .I feel hurt alot .I can put up with admin thinking i am a Male as i just lost some upper teeth over a mishap at home ..it funny .I am a female dislike being call a Male ..I even got a char showing a female but .oh never mind ....Anyhow thanks Death u got a mega great Server i wish u all the very best .As for me last week for me on Rust i likely remove rust from my steam account .as i perfer a game like a MMO style of a War game like the total war games an ocouse CHESS as well . BYE BYE ALL your Kasumi I now be removing my account off EZRUST SHOP .Like i said i remove the EZ off my flavor on RUST as for Postanou u need to clam down alot .Learn to backoff an if a player leave th server do not follow the player to another server it so wrong ..as it make u a ? bye now
  2. Checking the shop every day to see if the chainsaw+100 low grade oil is add it Allso Jackhammer as well ---------------- As i now starting to view other server on rust some VIP add wood an stone an metal for vip member these are great for a start off how ever There still no chainsaw an jackhammer ...I wish RustEZ will add this to ever VIP of else to there store . Even set to 5 X would help as well .So i do not need to go far to chop a tree down I will wait an see 11 days to go .. PS even 50,000 timber add to VIP be mega cool i am happy to mine for the stone .
  3. As a Player. BlackHawk treat me Great allso he spoke in japanese to me .try to but he seen to want to learn japanese kinda kool but now he BAN .I have been attack on rust an it HURTS heaps .I see blackhawk as a good friend ..Please unban him . I will miss seeing him an chatting with him heaps .. Love to get his email address so we can carry on being friend .I should had ask him .
  4. Sept a player call me something that truely upset me alot an i log off i even told Barry he told me to carry on playing .But write down the name but the player left How ever if the player was still online in the AU server i would had gone to another server to play .On my main mmo game this word is BAN outright After the second world war ..this name made it rounds but we now 70 years later .. NAME IS JACKANAPE ..If u do not no the meaning .then ok kool but i still want it Ban It likely never going to happen .I did think about a Name change so not using my real name anymore .
  5. First Lag is couse bye many things ..an 2 of them we are force to use VPN couse game LAG alot even with my linux Rigs An windows 11 on my Total War games .So stop using it for gamming Steam is the Worse for Lag think about it million of uses on there servers playing game .But ocouse we need Steam to run games Video Card Help alot Min 2 GB Memory most players have myself win 11 has 2 GPU while my linux system running 2 as well ..I rearly get any LAG USA Server LAG on there a flipping NiteMare ..as everyone close together an bases are 2-3 timer bigger the the AU server There another server there alot more players but there no LAG at all why it there VIP starter pack .I have play on it an wow Ocouse i die alot more
  6. Was thinking about the VIP an Store How about adding the chainsaw + 100 Low Grade oil + 2 Wood Teas to the Store for AU$1.00 An add the Jackhammer + 2 Ore Teas for AU$1.00 This would help me out heaps of else my base likely end up mega big as It will take time to get the wood i need An then my base go crazy With the above Tools I can build a far better Base smaller in sizes as well .The Software call fortify i have design many bases So i need min 45,000 timber before i even start building it I have look at other server VIP alot an one i am very keen on as thay gave me as a VIP 50,000 of each wood an stone as a start off So Please add the chainsaw an jackhammer in your Store it would help me out heaps ..If not i likely end up on another server For Nov an onwards I allso doing another topic
  7. PACKS as other server got them extra 24 slot helps alot VIP Start off 50,000 wood an 50,000 stone ,5,000 metal be mega kool .I have play other vip servers an u get this as a VIP VIP again ..Start off Chain Saw an Jackhammer an 2 x ea pure Wood tea , Ore Tea Events more of them as i now so bored after 9 days 2 weeks servers ..as well
  8. Problem is your GPU .Get a better one .My base is big but i get no lag at all ok my 2 x GPU Rig was build for another game .Having VPN running will slow the game down heaps turn it off .
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