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Everything posted by dave40262000

  1. I would assume the current 7 day purge would handle those TC's? If not it may be a bug?
  2. I know us regular players aren't supposed to chime in on appeals, but this was only a warning so I will make a comment. I think the issue is with the "We the People" part and not the flag in particular. I think a US flag that said United States would most likely be ok.. When there is any additional commentary I believe is when it becomes an issue. I am American myself, so I understand your point of view, but Rust is a global game and the server rules say no political commentary. Their server/their rules. Ask them to confirm if just the flag that says USA or United States is acceptable and go with that..
  3. Is the scarecrow using the gloryhole? LOL
  4. I wouldn't say argue... it's a discussion is all. I also would not mind a small pvp area, but it would have to be completely isolated from the rest of the map to prevent confusion with the rest of the server. Having a large island might be a possible solution, but these are PVE servers and the owner may prefer to just keep them purely PVE. There are already crash issues on occasion and the owner has been working hard to get just the right balance of map size to try and eliminate those. Adding another mod like a PVP zone/bubble would most likely cause more issues with that. I do like the idea of having limited PVP from time to time and I hopefully this will be discussed further in the future.
  5. I know this horse has been beaten to death multiple times, but I do not understand why people build massive twig bases. Why not upgrade them to at least wood? It's not because of the cost since it is pretty simple to get enough wood in just one day to last the entire wipe with just one trade of stone/wood at Outpost. If twig is one of the causes of lag, why not give a time limit to upgrade it to a higher tier (24-48 hours?). I saw someone complain in chat yesterday that a heli base was built too close to their twig farm. I suggested they upgrade and they said they could not afford it. I did not comment further, but I was about to trade in 300K stone that I had from the previous day. I am only on for a few hours per day, but having the quarries running 24/7, one 30 minute farm run with an ore tea, and 30 minutes of excavator running stone and I had over 400K of stone. Resources are NOT hard to get on a PVE server and should not be used as an excuse to not upgrade your builds to a higher tier. Do your server a favor and upgrade please.
  6. I just recycle everything in my airdrops after the first day basically and I just consider standard airdrops a resource drop versus actual loot. I feel the vending machine market crashes after the first few days on any PVE server. Without PVP players do not lose resources/items to other players and even on Pure it is not hard to get everything you need on the first day or two of the server. Aside from the new player that joins later in wipe I feel very few need to purchase from vending machines after the first few days of wipe. Changing loot tables will not change this substantially in my opinion.
  7. I don't have a snazzy screen shot of my hours, but I am at a measly 700 hours after one year of playing.
  8. Thanks! A big part has been all the welcoming mods. Even as busy as US Scourge was they always made it a point to welcome you back to the server.
  9. This is a bit delayed as I have been on EZ servers for over 2 months now. My name is Dave obviously, and I am an ancient gamer (51yrs old) that started playing Rust around a year ago after stumbling across a Youtube video about making a toxic kid cry. I have racked up around 700 hours in game since then, but have struggled to find a server that I felt comfortable with. My initial servers were official and did not go well. I then discovered modded servers and transitioned to solo/duo servers that were lower pop. The problems I had with those was the challenge to find a monthly wipe schedule plus it felt like I was essentially playing alone since they tended to be dead. I spent a few months on my own private server so that it would only wipe on a monthly basis, but I missed interacting with other players. A few months back I decided to search for some PVE servers and found an article with the top PVE servers in Rust ( https://www.ghostcap.com/rust-pve-servers/ ) and EZ servers was on the list. I joined mid wipe and it was quite the change from what I was accustomed to seeing on other servers. After about a week of getting my feet under me and learning how all the various mods worked, I felt I had found my new home. I really enjoy the community that has been built here and all the positive interaction without the toxicity you find elsewhere. Not having to stress about PVP while being able to interact with other players has breathed new life into this game for myself. You will find me currently on AU Scourge, but may see me on US or EU Scourge as well. p.s. Mods let me know if I need to delete the link since it references other servers....
  10. I want to give Death and all his admins a big thank you for creating and keeping their servers Toxic free. I have only been on EZ for a few months now, but it I already did not realize how refreshing it is to not be on servers full of toxic players and chat. I jumped onto another server yesterday when AU Scourge went down for maintenance just to peek around. I lasted around 5 minutes before I muted in-game chat and then was killed within 15 minutes and the voice chat from that team was pretty horrible. I never understood the need for people to be that way, but I am thankful that your servers have a zero policy for that type of language and behavior.. I just want to play a game.... Thanks again.
  11. Any particular server? I use all three public jacks and they have all been producing the same amount for me since wipe. I am on AU Scourge this wipe.
  12. I have had no issues getting them on AU Scourge so far. Just about every time I have been to the Artic base there has been at least 1 there. Nice idea for a flare though if it is not too hard to do. The convenience in case you live far away from the artic base in a different snow biome would be nice. Being able to hammer them when not in use is a bonus
  13. I am one of those "nice" players that has freely given away loot to new players that ask for it in the past. I have now stopped doing that as I can see how it is too much of an easy button for new players. I agree that loot needs to be earned and the grind is just part of the game.
  14. You can always buy wood at Outpost. It is just limited to a smaller amount per attempt. It should be more than enough to make charcoal though.
  15. I was on a different server not too long ago and that was exactly how the "homes" worked. you had to teleport "home" with the name of the home typed in.
  16. I do not think anyone struggles with decay on Scourge or Survival servers. I think standard decay would be fine, but not sure if it would help limit anyone's building as anyone using the various quarries will have all the resources they would ever need. Agree with most that limiting build sizes and deployables tied to a TC would have more impact to server performance though and I would welcome it.
  17. I agree, there is no need for searchlights on the servers here and should be removed from crafting capabilities. I realize the test generators are a source of needed revenue, but it would be nice if they could also be bought in the black market (even if very expensive) to give options to reducing the windmills. I usually use windmills as part of my usual builds on other servers, but I used solar panels for this wipe and they were enough for my build.
  18. I think there is a huge difference between limiting creative builds vs "Big Builds". Maybe I am just too noob, but I saw several what I would call big builds this wipe on my server. These are like 20x20 7 story tall squares with a ton of wind turbines on the roof. Not much creativity on those types of builds. If some kind of restriction was put in place, wouldn't multiple buildings (along with individual TC's) still allow plenty of creativity while still limiting total size per TC? I am on US Scourge and I know of one player that has a massive "base", but it is made up of multiple buildings with multiple TC's. I do not get that many frame drops when in his area compared to some of the giant monoliths I come across. I lived out of a simple 2x2 this wipe while I got my feet wet, but even if I build up on future wipes I plan to use multiple TC's and buildings to handle my needs.
  19. This was my first wipe on your server (scourge), but I feel the map is plenty big to accommodate your server pop. I had no issue finding places to build and feel that server stability/performance should trump map size.
  20. I am new to the server, but have been working my way through the forum and read all the ban/unban posts. I agree with the permanent insta bans for any Racism and severely derogatory/homophobic slurs, EVEN if they are done in private between 2 friends or even on your own personal sleeping bag. Some people think this is a case of "no harm/no foul" if nobody else sees it, but behavior and language in this category is just WRONG. As Aurora said above, you can go play elsewhere on other community servers that may tolerate that kind of behavior, but I for one am tired of the standard toxic Rust experience. EZ's policies have made their servers a safe haven from toxicity and I enjoy the peace of mind of knowing I do not have to leave voices off and hide my chat to have a nice experience. I just want to play Rust! p.s. Sorry to resurrect such an old post, but I wanted to give my support and opinion to EZ's policies. The admins seem to take quite a bit of heat for enforcing publicly stated policies that the server is up front about posting.
  21. Facepunch changed line of sight for this current wipe. I have seen this happen to streamers I watch on other servers also. I just think Facepunch overdid the change and it's not a bug that can be fixed by admins here. just my opinion of course.
  22. Since it is PVE I would love to see more custom monuments with various scientists in them (including heavies). I know custom monuments require a TON of work, but they really add to the experience of a server and give it a unique feel. I have seen underground areas with extra Bradley's, old mansions littered with scientists, etc. I am new to the server, but in the few weeks I have been on here, Bradley and giant excavator is usually already done/occupied. Adding a second one on the map may help alleviate the issue if not being able to do those monuments very often.
  23. The FPS issue is a big one. I know I am on a potato PC, but getting half the frames on Scourge versus regular servers is a bit of a pain. Some assistance from Facepunch to help optimize custom servers would be nice, but I am doubtful they will help with that as it is not their core audience. Thankfully my frames go up quite a bit when I am in monuments and doesn't have much of an impact when I need to fight Bots. I do feel that any groups that are used to PVP versus roleplay would be bored quickly on ANY PVE server. Server pop seems to be fairly stable for the past few weeks since I have joined and I would think the timing of the fall off is simply the younger generation going back to school around start of September.
  24. As a brand new player to the server I would like to offer my opinion as a newcomer. I would like to see higher costs to using TP and more zombies. I get it that the title says EZ, but on the Scourge server I think many would welcome increased difficulty. I am horrible at PVP and even as a fresh spawn there was no challenge to handling them with just a bow. They need to be tougher and possibly have more of them roaming. If they are too great of a challenge for a player, there are the Pure and Survival servers as options. I am also not accustomed to teleporting all over the map and have always been in the habit of using a horse to roam the map. Teleporting should be either capped to X times per day or have the cost continue to increase with each use and not cap at 200. I get it that teleporting is a huge time saver for players that can't play many hours (like myself), but roaming the map I feel is an integral part of the Rust experience. The final thing I was surprised by was the hundreds of pump jacks, large furnaces & oil refineries at so many bases. My FPS was less than half of what I usually experience while on the server, and I am not sure why a single base would need several pump jacks, 6 large furnaces & 6 oil refineries for a PVE server. I would like to see those capped at just 2 versus 6 only because of the server lag it seems to cause. That being said, I did enjoy the server and it has MANY refreshing mods to make it a very enjoyable experience for players. I am looking forward to becoming a VIP in the next week. I also look forward to exploring all the unique monuments and events on the server. Edit: sorry I am now seeing this should have gone into the suggestions thread and most has already been covereds in that thread.
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