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Everything posted by YetiBacklash

  1. totally disagree. Number one, players learn over the course of a couple wipes what items are and aren't worth their own time/resources to put in a vending machine. But more importantly, there are two very finite limitations on what one single vending machine can be stocked with: first, limited to only 7 different sale slots. Second - and, idk, maybe this has changed at some point - but within the last year it has been that you couldn't stock any amount of goods which, based on your vending offer, would result in an incoming payment more than a full single stack of whatever it is you're selling for scrap, etc. if someone bought the barn via a drone. It gives them what you were selling and spits your scrap out to despawn on the ground behind your vending machine. Ind.Pipes pretty much mitigates the second, but any bulk rez selling is still going to take up an entire vending machine regardless in order to keep the drone price down for buyers. The point is, it's easy for a player or group to need 12 vending machines; it's also hard for most players to want anything significantly more than that wipe after wipe. So why limit something that's already geared toward limiting itself? Trying to even wonder what the vending machine limit number would be is arbitrary at best. Even if you just want to sell comps and be able to offer each for something more than just scrap, that's like 6 or 7 vending machines required right off the bat - just to be able to say 'you can buy each for X scrap or for Y crude,' or whatever. IMO, tell yourself that the limit's 100 and, if you see somebody with more than that, you can think to yourself about how they've gone of overboard
  2. IDK about your specific server experience there with that or any other player and I generally see what you've said as a positive suggestion for the community. It shouldn't be a joke or game. However, since you didn't mention it, I will say that there is a very specific time and place where the idea of goading or 'baiting' a player into typing a certain particular gamer word in chat is very much a good thing, not really a game, and - although, ideally, it wouldn't need to occur - it should not reflect poorly on the community. (Again, IDK if this is the context for any specific situation which you witnessed/observed): When a rando blue name joins the server and starts mouthing off in voice comms, drawing on signs, etc., in racist or other harassing, anti-server-rules ways, the community player who observes this only has a few tools for dealing with it. We can report the player in-game, call upon any admins who may be currently present via the global chat, and, finally, tag the server in discord 'help' with the same call for an admin to get involved. The one instance I mention is in that situation where all that has been done and an admin simply hasn't seen the 'help' request yet or otherwise been able to step-in from their side of things. When this happens, particularly late at night where it could be hours of waiting where that player is continuing to act that way, I've witnessed instances where community players present have reacted by goading the player via global chat to get the player to progress from just saying the words, to just once typing it in chat. When that happens, the server's automatic response kicks in and the player is banned. It's not 'fun,' but it can look like a 'game' at the time, particularly if you're looking at it solely through the lens of global chat and aren't actually one of the people who are having to hear/interact with the person in-game. If this kind of effort or point wasn't at all the case in whatever instance you've mentioned, then yeah, I can't think of any case where trying to get someone to say/type any kind of slur would be remotely acceptable. I don't even know if I'm advocating the one 'exception' I've detailed, but I will say that I have seen it occur in a way that cut off that outside negative influence on the community in pretty much an instant. The only other thing I'd say is that if 'baiting' someone instead means pretending/catfishing another player into thinking that you, yourself, are racist, homophobic, etc. and that their actions will be permissible, agreed-upon, or 'backed up' by you or others if the player posts that way in global chat / up on a sign, etc., then that's not permissible IMO and should be considered breaking server guidelines / reported to an admin, the same as any racist behavior. The community reacting to an outsider and getting them kicked from a server asap while an admin isn't available is one thing. Someone within the community being the one who introduces that theme of racism, homophobia, sexism, etc., though? If that's the case, get 'em gone.
  3. Follow up: Added 2 additional workbenches/crafters in the sequence. Only issue I had after that was the crafting hoppers not keeping up for frags/sulfur; eliminating the max parameters at the very last conveyor before the crafters solved this. Also, can now confirm that the extra frag input box is completely pointless - don't know why it didn't jump out in my head that each smoke gives more frags than gp and you need 5x as much gp for the explosives. I've mentioned it in a separate bug report - just in case - but I did log in to find my explo collection box at the end of the sequence entirely unable to be interacted with. Couldn't open it or get to the explosives. I have yet to find another deployable in my base that acts similarly, so I've just piped that box to another for access to the explosives for the time being. But it being the only one so far lends me to think that it does have something to do with that particular box's position there in the sequence. Only other 'surprise' of note was logging in to find all 3 crafters off, despite being full of rez and ready to keep crafting. Since this box is right after those, my guess is the issue occurred somewhere in there during server restart? idk
  4. I just piped it to another, so not a big deal, but wanted to mention in case anyone else ends up having a similar issue or its indicative of something else/bigger going on. Just a box inside my base that, as of a change between last night and this AM, I can't interact with now in order to open and view its inventory. It shows 'open' when hovering, but won't interact.
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