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Everything posted by Nightclaw42
I second this. And I miss having the names of the skin displayed.
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I thought I would provided some new info. So far since wipe it appears to be working correctly. If I have an empty slot it shows up in there and if not it will push one of my clothing items out and take it's place. (Both times it was the shorts. Odd choice but okay). It may have corrected itself with the wipe, but I will update if it happens again.
That's the thing. It just disappears. Doesn't show up on the ground or in the clothing slots.
I've recently rejoined the game after a bit of a hiatus, so I don't know if this is a bug or feature, but I though I would report it. On three separate occasions my backpack has disappeared with all the stuff in it upon death even if I revive immediately.. Once due to a fall, and twice due to fighting with a scientist. It's really frustrating because I end up losing a lot of valuable items such as the cards, fuses, resources etc.
So today I encountered a very strange glitch while building my wind turbine towers. How I build my towers is very simple 4 wall frames in a square in the corner of my base on the roof stacking upward with a square floor frame for the turbine to sit on and 3 triangle floor frames branching out for siren lights to alert flyers. I build a total of 4. The total height is about 11 stories high, my base being two stories high with the towers being an additional 9 stories. I've done this before in previous wipes on top of small hills before and have had no issues. This time I'm not even on a hill so height should not be a problem. My first tower went up no issues. My second tower let me get to height but wouldn't let me put in the triangle floor sections. They just fell off like there was no support. The third tower wouldn't go to full height. It's one story short and won't let me put the triangle floors in on it either. The fourth tower is the same as the second. I'm not getting any errors or anything. The build just falls away like there's no support even though it shouldn't as I have one tower that worked just fine and I'm not doing anything different on these.
Or have an inverse effect where your taking even less damage if the armor is taking more.
Something I was expected to see and didn't when I joined the Scourge server was Zombies in the tunnels. I think it would be awesome if there were hordes of them down there battling with the tunnel dwellers hiding behind barriers that you would have to destroy with C4 or maybe rundown with a Subway train. A challenge that's going to need your best armor, weapons and all the ammo you can carry.
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I do this all the time. Would love this to happen.
I would love this. Give me that gothic castle aesthetic with candles burning everywhere please and thank you.
So I while I was in game, it occurred to me I hadn't seen any rain. I was told that it was reduced due to complaints. I can't find any info on it, but it then I didn't play last wipe so maybe I missed it. That being said I think it was taken to far in the other direction. Now the only way to get any water in large amounts (normally my planters are almost full after leaving it while I sleep and now they barely have any water) is to take several containers and fill it up at the nearest source. This makes it near impossible to run a small farm. To clarify normally I would put several large planters on the roof of my base, let the rain soak them when I was offline and then grow some plants while out scrap hunting. Not a huge amount. (I wasn't really making bank on this), but enough to help in getting some scrap from selling to Bandit camp. I would also have a water catcher filling several barrels so if I was doing a long play session I could then water the planters from what I collected (as I tend to leave it alone and fill up my water can at rivers when I'm out and about). It suits my play style as I'm a general introvert who prefers to build in the middle of nowhere, and isn't looking to build a major scrap empire. Now due to the lack of water (and I'm in a temperate zone) I can't even do that. So either rain needs to be tweaked again or there needs to be an increase in number of rivers/lakes. Right now those are so few that the area around them gets filled quickly first day of wipe and there's no real way to amass water if your not near a river or the ocean making water catchers pretty useless right now.
It would definitely cut down on twig mega bases.
This is not bad, but a bit on the extreme side as sometimes players have time limits on how long they can play due to things like work, school, kids etc. So sometimes they don't have the time to fully upgrade their base to at least wood. But it's not a total bad idea. Maybe make it a decay of 24 hours. Gives those with limited play time a chance to upgrade if they have to leave and come back the next day to finish the base (which I have done) and still prevent twig mega bases.
I think you misunderstood me. I don't mean restricting PJ only to VIP. They would still be available to anyone who wishes to purchase from the online store on EZ no matter their status. I'm suggesting that as an additional perk for those who purchase VIP (which is a one time, lifetime purchase) that they be able to purchase one single PJ per wipe from the BM with their net worth. It's makes for a nice incentive to get the VIP status (which is something someone can save up for if their budget is tight as it's a lifetime thing),and doesn't deprive EZ of a good source of income (as to upgrade past lvl 1 you would have to purchase from the online store). Basically a non VIP member would pay $30 to fully upgrade their PJ and a VIP member would pay $27. A small discount, but a discount all the same.
So I had a bit of a thought regarding pump jacks. Don't know if this could work. But maybe make it so that people with VIP status can buy just one on the black market. You could only get the one "freebie" (so to speak). It wouldn't really unbalance the game as the output on one pump jack isn't all that high and any upgrades would have to be purchased through the online store. It would make a nice perk for VIPs, and wouldn't really take away from the income of RUSTEZ. It would also help those on a limited budget ( I know it's only three dollars, but with gas and food prices being they way they are right now, a lot people I know are pinching pennies every way they can).
Something needs to be done about the mining quarries on Survival. The whole "cannot build on construction" thing is stupid where there are no buildings anywhere nearby and yet you still get that message. It's even more frustrating when you finally get one put down and use pipes only to be told that your pipe system is too long. A warning message I got today so I had to destroy my entire mining operation I put up (the result of two-three days of work to to get it work right) and try to move my quarry closer to shorten my pipes as the warning requested. Except guess what. Cannot be placed on construction. This is very frustrating and rather upsetting as all the work I did basically has gone down the toilet.
I'll do that. But it might be worth looking into to find an automated system. Lighten the admins load.
It would also help new players who come into a wipe late as it would insure land availability.
It's been 7 days and they are still there. I think the 7 day purge only applies to logging in the server. So I'm guessing who ever built them is still playing, but just left the TC's where they are and never came back.
I don't know if anything can be done about this, but regarding random TC's to claim land. Would it be possible to remove ones that in the middle of patches of land with nothing built nearby. Right now next to my base there are two TC's just sitting there and what looks to be a partially built base that was abandoned. Maybe have it so if you don't visit the TC in 7 days it's removed. It's really annoying that I can't expand in one direction because someone put a TC down, but then for all intents and purposes never came back. I can understand putting TC to make a land claim early in the wipe if you're exploring and not sure where you want to build so you put one down for possibility that you might come back later, but come on. If you don't plan to build there take the thing down. Don't just leave it.