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Posts posted by Postanou

  1. Offender: Robbievin  BattleMetrics  Steam
    Server: AU Pure
    Time: Monday 13th April 11:50am UTC
    Length: 1 day
    Reason: Constant swearing and abusive to other players.

    Has little experience with playing Rust, but insists on attempting end-game content like soloing oil rig. After his inevitable death and respawn, he becomes highly aggresive, and abusive, and expects others to drop everything and help him. He has been warned in game by admins (myself and Adman74) several times about swearing, including at least 1 kick. This particular incident was completely out of line, and he was horrid to another player verbally. See attached image of some of the disgusting diatride that is directed to fellow players.



  2. Okay, I have a few things to unpack with this, so grab a drink, have a toilet break before reading on...

    Firstly, I have tried to be as impartial as possible, considering my obvious bias, as I was the person who enforced the ban. To this extent, I have had a discussion with other admins, and used other similar incidents as a benchmark.

    I, we, all of us want the EZ community to grow in a positive way, so with respect to that desire, I will lift the ban, effective immediately.


    I am personally concerned at the apparent disregard to the warning issued ingame. With the notable exception of Death, admins are human, and not perfect beings, but we are entrusted with the responsibility of ensuring server rules are enforced, and (hopefully) that everyone has a positive experience within the EZ community. I expect, going forward, that you will respect any instructions or requests made to you by any admin on any of our servers. I also hope this does not affect your willingness to ask an admin for assistance if needed.

    A note will remain on your profile, as you still broke server rules. I hope to never see your name come up on any chest/furnace/refinery/TC/sleeper that is not yours, or one of your team's in the future.

    I would like to speak to you in game sometime soon as well.

    Thank you for you patience and maturity throughout the appeal process, and I look forward to seeing you out in the Rusty wilds.

    • Love 1
  3. Offender: RN Mako

    Meta Info: Steam Battlemetrics

    Server: AU Pure

    Time and Date: Sunday, 12th Jaunary 2020 9:03PM AEST

    Length: Permanent

    Reason: Raiding and stealing. Ignoring server rules.


    Player had only just recieved a warning from Postanou for going through another player's base, storage conatiners, and authorising on their TC. Then found him doing the same thing again going through a sleeper on the beach 3 minutes later.




  4. Offender: Beep Bop

    Meta Info: Steam | Battlemetrics

    Server: AU Pure

    Time and Date: THursday, 19 December 2019 11:17 PM AEST

    Length: Permanent

    Reason: Raiding, stealing and destruction of other player property


    Player used scaffolding to enter another player's base. Authorised himself on their TC and stole from their chests. Changed the door codes in an attempt to take over the base. When confronted, he proceeded to use C4 to blow up storage crates inside the base.








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  5. On 9/9/2019 at 2:48 PM, Aurora said:


    1.    Upload a screenshot that clearly shows the hit in the kill feed.  No cropping or editing.
    2.    Players must secure their own weapon and ammo to participate in the challenge.
    3.    You can work in pairs/groups but only the player name shown in the kill feed can enter the screenshot.
    4.    Yes, capturing and posting the kill feed screenshot is required (see #1). Combat logs are not accepted for this challenge.
    5.    No cheating or being dishonest: You will be disqualified from this and all future monthly server challenges.



    So how do I submit a screenshot of the kill feed when the kill feed has been disabled?


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