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Iggy Cotton

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Everything posted by Iggy Cotton

  1. Current Time 8AM EST 1/9/23 .. Transfer of crude worked from 7pm last night till some time this morning.. found approx. 280 crude in PJ at 7:30AM this morning. Removed my Lg. Storage box and replaced it with new pipe attached.. No change, still will not transfer crude to designated storage in my base. US SURVIVAL
  2. After running for over a full day... The production of fuel for Quarry/Pumpjack seem very balanced and supply is fine for what I'm running this wipe. I'm so used to seeing a certain quantity and what I read in chat that the conversion back to LGF would remain the same, I thought the comments were accurate. Without further ramblings, All is working well and now I need to Relearn this New system. Sorry for Not Knowing
  3. Since wipe and the PJ's converted to LGF.. Production of Crude from LGF has been about 2 LGF to 1 Crude.. It was a 1 to 1 exchange prior to wipe.. I have a Lvl 2 PJ and a Lvl 4 Quarry and at current rates the PJ can't support my quarry.. Which it always had in the past. Please advise... and thanks for your kind time
  4. At around 3:15am EST I came on and found both without fuel.. And I last refueled was 7:30pm 11/14/22.. 8 hours ago.. I'm missing somewhere around 30k in fuel and no must figure out how to my lost supply back... Has someone opened my equipment and removed it? Pleases advise/ I see no sign of outage or down time either... per Battlemetrics US Survival
  5. So if Pickle farming for profit is going to be done away with.. Then is Cloth farming and all other types of farming for profit stopping? Farming stone is really profitable and no one seems to want to hang by their toes to do that... Farming Heli's and APC's as well...... I'm not being cynical, If farming for profit is not desirable, whatever form it takes, Then do away with all types. And Why penalize players for farming scrap? It's all part of role playing...
  6. It appears that the limit of pickles has been reduce to 50 from 100 per slot in large storage box. This reduction has cost the loss of Scrap it took to purchase and fill over 24 Large storage boxes. When I opened boxes I found ALL were reduced to 50... Now That's a real hit for a loss. I built this system to accommodate one Large storage box and 1 pipe.. So now I need 2 boxes and 2 pipes to do the same before this reduction... ???? I thought and was told that there were too many pipes and was causing lag... How do I get compensated for the cost of the lost mats due to this reduction? I confused...??? Please Advise
  7. I've purchased the New DLC and the skins for axe and pick will not work nor are they available at the repair bench.. Just a heads up! I also logged off and still not there... US Survival
  8. Various composters throughout the system, when loaded, drop mats. It's not a loading issue.. It's a retention issue as they travel through the system under load.
  9. It seems to be a constant loss from run to run.. Restocking every 12 hours. Scrap yields run steady between 5800 / 5900 per each run. There's a major loss of mats.
  10. For some reason my quarry stopped producing High Qual Metal Ore.. I checked quarry lvl and it's now a lvl 4 and it was a lvl 6... If not 7.. I can't now recall, but I believe it was lvl 6. Please advise. Thanks
  11. After sever went off line and came back... All pipes are missing and things appear to be running ... but can't transfer product.
  12. It would appear, THIS Time, That the restart or something dealing with the restart('s) this morning.. My Quarry was emptied of all remaining LGF and a portion from my Pumpjack was found gone... Between the 2 it looks like around 25K was lost/removed at that time... The amount of material mined by quarry in my storage shows a loss of material equal (roughly) to the time sever is shown to be down on BattleMetrics... I give up. I pay to play and IT'S always something... And I'm guessing it's not only me.. But it's really getting old. This Month has been the worst on my end and what bothers me the most... Is the fact it's repetitive.. and I try to do you folks a service by reporting these occurrences, which makes me feel like I'm wining over minutia ...
  13. Iggy Cotton

    It's Odd

    I'll do my best to describe this oddity over LGF.. (and I hate to bother you with this) However, I'll start at the beginning.. I empty my Oil Refineries (4) and restock with Crude I've received over the past 12 hours from my Pumpjack, (I do this twice daily around 7 AM/PM) I use the Gathered LGF to restock my Pumpjack to 30k and my Quarry to 36500 LGF and place the remainder of the "Gathered" in my storage box in my main base building. But as of late, basically in the morning run, I seem to be short LGF in both Pumpjack and Quarry by around 5K+ each causing me to go to my storage and grab another 10k+ just to bring the PJ and Quarry to levels I maintain. I've been watching my totals going in and coming out of oil refineries closely .. Making sure they stay equal and they have been.. So no problem there. The loss has happened 3 or 4 times as of late and it happened again this morning... I had to go grab 10K+ just to bring my PJ and quarry to the levels I maintain. It's only in the over night it seems to go missing and the morning refill I find the loss. AND Not every night and it's never the same exact amount.. But always over 10K Missing IT's Just Plain Odd... Yet, it's noticeable because I need to grab extra for do my restocking... And Never happens at the PM restocking... LOL!
  14. Sever shutdown just before 10pm est.. I fill PJ and Quarry with LGF (10K Pumpjack and 20.6k Quarry) after restart found both again almost empty (low 400 - 600's). There was enough to run till 8am est before restart.. Where's the fuel going? Now that's over 50k loss in around 12 hours due to restarts. Can I get some relief?
  15. Todays restart, Between my pumpjack and quarry I lost abot 30k of LGF. I had refilled them (10k pumpjack and 20.3k quarry) around 7:30 est... Logged on immediately after restart and both were down in the low hundreds in fuel.. Reloaded and back running. But that was a big hit / loss of fuel (LGF).. Please advise
  16. My VIP membership is off... Noticed when typing in global chat, my name is blue
  17. The auto run on my small refinery now needs wood to run. The "No Wood" feature has stopped working and wood is needed to operate. Same for the 3 furnaces I have in my base... Thanks for your time in this matter...
  18. Purchased pumpjack and placed it in a large storage box. Logged off and returned to find it changed into a small stash labeled 1505132273. Moved it to a different container and all that changed was the name. Now labeled as Small Stash... Advise when possible. Thanks again for your help in this matter.
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