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Posts posted by Fly

  1. I am proud to annouce the winners of this event:

    1st place : Jaffa Blﷲde (10$ store credit)

    2nd place : Lonely Alpha (5$ Store credit)

    3rd place: BigETI  (5 supply signals next wipe)

    it was hard, unfair, but i congratulate everybody made it into the winners lounge :)

    i also want to mention the  amazing work of Ben, Moundoul and Heidi.Knipping wich made it possible to run the event as smooth as it went .

    thank you guys

  2. 20190618001412_1.thumb.jpg.3b41a76e8ec1423b4f59ce07bcbfa649.jpgHouse of Pain EU edition

    This event will be simple get across the hall Alive. It will not be an easy task though.

    You will face unseen dangers were one miss step could be your last. 

    -All are welcome to come give it a try.

    -You are to bring Nothing you don't want to lose.

    -You will be only given a glimmer of hope to get to the other side.


    12:00 pm EST, 5:00 pm GMT


    PURE (EU)


    1st Place:   $10 RustEZ store credit

    2nd Place:   $5 RustEZ store credit

    3rd Place:   5 Supply signals

    Completion Award: 2 Supply signals

    Participation Award:   1 Supply signal


    -Any boosting up on walls or taking any other path other than the hall will result in disqualification.

    -Please keep moving Forward! Not one Step Back!

    -Picking up other players will be up to you. Do you help someone in need or leave them to die? You decide for yourself.

    -Try to be respectful to other players, but be aware people will be bumping into each other.

    -You are going to die. A lot.


    credits to Frenchy, the evil genious inventor :) i "stole" the idea of. 

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    Offenders:   B3rid Battlemetrics     Steam , Thibdumont Battlemetrics   Steam

    Server: EU Pure

    Time: 6:00 PM gmt+1   

    Reason: Raiding Griefing, Staff Disrespect


    Additional Info: A player reported a theft from an enclosured base.it was only enterable by minicopter or baloon.  i went there and saw the base was all sweeped dry, both guys authorized on tc. the owner named 8 k metal frags  800 Highquality Metal, 16k wood, 3 k Scrap, a bolt action rifle with a flashlight and a full box of components . i  went over to b3rid and found a wood/Stone sheetmetal Base  the base and boxes of them were stacked, what is pretty unusual for 3 hours playtime on this server . 

    so breezer and me hauled back the loot to the owner. and breezer noticed a spike barricade placed within the tc range hidden in a bush.  i called tribrats and ben in to have a look on this case . from what i whitnessed b3rid made fun of ben and laughed at him when he was teleported into a cell and got confronted. he also tried to get out of his entlocked base by picking up wooden windowbars  . thibdumont instantly logged when he was confronted .

    Proof : i have many screenshots, i can hand in more if additional proof is needed.











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  4. a team is more then 2 guys farming and one using the stuff.

    my personal experience with molly.speers is an other. when i died in military tunnels he looted my body . when i came back i had only his crap on my body. boots swapped with burlap, etc etc . i told him i dont like that . he swapped his used guns and i had to ask for every specific item to get it back . if i didnt ask he kept it.and if we were sucessful he was the first one on the lootboxes sweeping them and leaving the crap for us to pick it up. well, i would have apreciated at least a look in there before.

    he stoped with my stuff but then he took stuff from my teammate. dickmoove.

    we acessed him to our base he didnt farmed a single node of sulfur but took loads of c4 . i was farming hours and hours to get this much c4. then he tried to legitimize his actions by "i gave you this, i gave you that" i didnt asked for the stuff(yes molly, you gave me a wb3 and some scrap, BUT its a difference if you quit the server or give it to me whilst playing the wipe)

    after the c4 vanished he lost all his trust i offered him. molly is a USER not a FARMER. "i dont have a single bp" well, take a syringe research it(enough scrap was all time present) . easy . all excuses . i was really pissed of him  3 wipes ago when i came online one day and an admin told me : what have you done to hawk and dudex? i never spoke a single word to you guys - i did nothing to you -  and i didnt talked about molly.speers.


    i shared my experience with him to other players. true.  i was tired of farming a whole wipe stuff and molly joining near end of wipe the team and using it in 1 day. well my consequence was, i dont team up with him again.

    and his behavour might encouraged some players to leave and stop playing EZ-servers. my promotion to admin and the tons of tons of nice and not selfish players were my only motivation to keep on playing. i was seriously pissed .

    i wasnt looking for a ban of molly , i was looking for him to change his behaviour . and 10 players wich teamed with him(scroll up to see the names) doesnt make good the (maybe dozens?) players he used. i am giving them a voice here now. 99% are hesitating to comment here. like i did the first 2 days .

    this is my personal view on him,  since i am admin on eu pure, he barely played on there (i question myself: how comes?) maybe because  i know his strategy of using and legitimizing afterwards.

    ALL my experiences  with him was made as a non - vip player , not an adminthen i became admin and he tried to use me again tp me there gimme minicopter etc etc . i ended kicking him from my steam friends and blocking all other requests of him. i was tired of getting used .

     pardon the  typing mistakes and the sloppy gramar. i am german

    • Sad 1
  5. Offender : Sea rhinoceros 76561198799343911

    Time:  11:29 PM (gmt+1)

    Length: Permanent

    Reason: 11:00 the  player joined server. 2 minutes after him joining  i teleported a random minicopter in a base and noticed while rendering in a naked runing around the base  (it was 2 russian guy´s i remember the base from former talks to БИГ ДИК and Членпион who are the owners of this place)  saw the naked jumping in checking ,  spammed rules multiple times, also RED in chat, but he still proceed trying gaining access to the base . i revealed. asking him what hes doing here . he pretended its his base (2 mins on server ;) ).had a long argue about rules and how i have to interpret theese in his favour. i felt kind of disrespected.and i  ended up in kicking him once to think about who he is talking to. told him to stay out of players bases 11:08 PM . he rejoined, i followed him invis to see he had a 2x1 with a sign outside "RAID BASE" after building the base he checked out neighbours by jumping into another players property (no tc no security owner Henry Knight) . after he realized this base was just empty,unprotected,twig without boxes  he ran direction  the other base whilst throwing down 2 sleeping bags. it was the base i   told him to stay off( БИГ ДИК and Членпион ).when he was on the roof again where i caught him first time he tried to go deeper. this is where i revealed and had a little chat in voice again. well, he wanted to have the chat in his "Raid Base" i agreed. and revoked the request to teleport him there. he walked up and talked to me.  i  sayd: "i believe in second chances and that i have enough proof to ban him straight away."  he did understand that and when we arrived in his shag the conversation turned again to toxic kid vs admin : "i thought this beeing an easy raid server" -and  he asked me if i could stop beeing a dick  

    told him multiple times server rules via gamechat and voice and the second attempt he tried to enter this first base again after the first conversation i warned him to stay out of any players base,  i had a feeling this might be an regular behaviour for him and in order to protect others from notoric rulebreakers and his offensive language to me has been my reason to ban him.

    if he decides to apply an unban i am looking forward someone else  like momma or ben  deals with him . if he decides to do a fresh start, sticking  the rules and get rid of any pvp server behaviour (like offensive language to staff  or argueing with staff, toxicity) i may give it a try - nobody calls me a dick twice unpunished-










  6. well nice idea and good suggest, indeed. but i have some concerns about it . the minicopters are causing many issues at the moment, like damaged playerbuildings, raid attempts on pure and so on .

    well i´d agree this could be an vip only perk, ONCE A DAY redeemable. but its not my descision. so i just wanted to give admin´s worrys a voice ;)


    and about players hoarding them, we cant do much about it just ask people to keep just one (or 2 on bigger teams)

  7. i was suspicious about silviapipo and then plopped this base near our sulfur quarry up, next day crude and lgf from pumpjack and quarry were gone . i just asked chivas and he sayd he took nothing . i didnt reported it to an admin cause the base was not secure at all. so its our fault . but why didnt you obey the server rules ? you can read them before connecting to server . we set up turrets to prevent any theft in future.

  8. ye. i got this idea when is was at 6am GMT+1 on eu servers and couldnt reach an admin, few players here and there but no admin in sight :) too bad i dont play US servers cause of ping ...

    and i dont want bother the admins on EU Pure ( my main server ) if they are online everybody yells for them

    \edit       i went on EU PvePvP and met an player, friendly guy, he wanted to skin my pump. but i was struggling to hand him my best gun. cause stealing is allowed. (so is scam i think? ) he pretended to be an admin on another server . okay. maybe he wanted to sweettalk me to get my pump, i dunno bit when i logged on survival he wrote me "told you Fly " in console ... so i recognized he is actually ... i cant remember his name, but if he would have been tagged by (trusty, helper) etc i would know who to trust :D


  9. yo there, i am struggling to apply for admin cause of my time management, but i´d love to see an new rank for helpers...


    helpers would be : community managers, help out new players by providing advices , chat overwatch, (enforce admins in investigation by social engineering? )

    just to take off some "tiny" admins dutys without full mandatory of an admin and of course way less power.

    helpers should be players with a good reputation in the server community and will be choosen by admins


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    send them to youtube or ask players with knowledge :)



    this is the one i prefer: charging battery while power output and if wind or sun isnt up battery takes over  (works with wind turbines also )


    Edit: and lowering the decay from 14 to 10 days is still more than enough ... cause a wipe is going 30 days . this means players only need to log in twice during an wipe to keep their sh*tshag or monstrous base up and block active players from building in key locations ...

    just my opinion. make your own...



  11. heyja, i just got an suggestion to make.

    mutes are an serious punishment. but i am in an spot right now i want to use an /ignore  for me personal to get rid of the chat of an single guy . so i dont need to read his chat.

    ben isnt sure if its even possible but he said i should make an suggest in forum. i wanna chill on pure pve. not getting bothered and agressive of the name an single person wich insulted my mother a few days ago.  thanks for your time  :)




    P.S. dont ask for the name please , theres no need all players know the specific player

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